Case 1.B: Check of the Continuum Implementation ***************************************************** The aim of this case is to check the implementation of the continuum model. The only implementation comparison will be performed for H2O continuum, using MPM93 model. Input - Output Files -------------------- Format: ======== The files are ASCII, in ARTS format. They can easily be recognized by the extension 'aa'. The file can start with an arbitrary number of comment lines. These lines starts with the hash symbol (#) The first row after the comment lines give the number of matrices in the array. After this follows, for each matrix, a row giving the matrix size followed by the data in row order. Input: =============== - atm_scenario_case1B.aa -->> profiles of temperature, altitude, pressure, and trace gas volume mixing ratios. The data is display in ARTS format. See the header of the file for a more detailed description. - Freq_mono_case_1B.aa -->> the frequency vector for the calculation of the continuum absorption. It covers a wide spectral range up to 1 THz. - p_z_abs_case1B.aa -->> the pressure (altitude) grid for the output of the continuum absorption. The file is in ARTS format, a 2 columns matrix: column 1 contains the grid in pressure units [Pa], column 2 contains the grid in geometric altitude units [m]. Output: ======= - continuum absorption for the specified frequencies (Freq_mono_Continuum.aa), and on the grid specified in p_z_abs_case1B.aa. The output file should be in ARTS format. Each data row gives the absorption coefficients for the given frequencies at one grid point.