Bredbeck Workshop 2004 - Feedback and Suggestions
Written by Arash Houshangpour
Good points
* Informal atmosphere
* Time management (talks vs. working groups)
* Working group forming method (cards)
* Many small and effective working groups
* Chance to see new ideas
* Food
* Setting
Bad points
* Too few (general) talks
* Missing a presentation concerning the current status of ARTS
* Way of forming groups
* Too few working groups at the same session
* Too many special working groups
* Too much technical details
* Too much ARTS
* No computer access
* No individual keys
* Warm drinks
* Bad weather
* Too much football on TV
* Collect ideas before workshop
* Fix (some) working group topics in advance
* Invite some more experts
* Display a poster describing the main ARTS features
* A special ARTS day
* Put up a list containing the names & emails of the participants on the wall