Source code for typhon.retrieval.mcmc.mcmc

The mcmc submodule.

Contains the MCMC which implements the Marcov Chain Monte Carlo method to
sample from a posterior distribution of a retrieval problem.


[1] Andrew Gelman et al., Bayesian Data Analysis, 3rd Edition

import logging

import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def r_factor(stats):
    This computes the R-factor as defined in 'Bayesian Data Analysis'
    (Getlman et al.), Chapter 11. If the simulations have converged,
    the result of `r_factor` should be close to one.

        stats: A list of arrays of statistics (scalar summaries) computed from
            serveral MCMC runs.
    n = stats[0].size
    m = len(stats)

    vars  = np.array([np.var(s) for s in stats])
    means = np.array([np.mean(s) for s in stats])
    mean  = np.mean(means)

    b = n * np.var(means)
    w = np.mean(vars)

    var_p = (n - 1) / n * w + b / n
    return np.sqrt(var_p / w)

def variogram(stats, t):
    Helper function that computes the variogram for a given lag t. The
    variogram is the mean of the mean squared sum of deviations of lag t of
    each sequence.

        stats: A list of sequences
    m = len(stats)
    n = stats[0].size
    return sum([np.sum((s[t+1:] - s[:n-t-1])**2) for s in stats]) / (m * (n - t))

def split(stats):
    Splits a list of sequences in halves.

    Sequences generated from MCMC runs should be split in half in order to be
    able to properly diagnose mixing.

        stats: A list of sequences
    n = stats[0].size
    return [s[i * (n // 2) : (i + 1) * (n // 2)]
            for i in range(2) for s in stats]

def autocorrelation(stats):
    Estimates the autocorrelation of a list of sequences from a MCMC run.
    This uses formula (11.7) in [1] to approximate the autocorrelation function
    for lags [0, n // 2].
    n = stats[0].size

    vars  = np.array([np.var(s) for s in stats])
    means = np.array([np.mean(s) for s in stats])
    b = n * np.var(means)
    w = np.mean(vars)
    var_p = (n - 1) / n * w + b / n

    rho = np.zeros(n // 2)
    for t in range(n // 2):
        vt     = variogram(stats, t)
        rho[t] = 1.0 - 0.5 * vt / var_p
    return rho

def effective_sample_size(stats):
    This estimates the effective sample size of independent samples from the
    posterior distribution using formula (11.8) in [1].
    n = stats[0].size
    m = len(stats)

    vars  = np.array([np.var(s) for s in stats])
    means = np.array([np.mean(s) for s in stats])
    b = n * np.var(means)
    w = np.mean(vars)
    var_p = (n - 1) / n * w + b / n

    rho = np.zeros(n // 2)
    for t in range(n // 2):
        vt     = variogram(stats, t)
        rho[t] = 1.0 - 0.5 * vt / var_p
        if t > 2 and (rho[t-1] + rho[t-2]) < 0.0:

    return m * n / (1.0 + 2.0 * sum(rho[:t-2]))

[docs] class MCMC: """ The MCMC class represents an ongoing MCMC simulation. An MCMC object can be used to run a given number of MC steps, test the results for convergence and perform further calculations if necessary. """ @staticmethod def _check_input(vars, py, stats): """ Helper method that checks arguments provided to `__init__`. """ if not type(vars) == list and len(vars) > 0: raise Exception("Argument vars must be of type list and have length" + "> 0.") for v in vars: if not type(v) == list and len(v) == 3: raise Exception("Elements of argument vars must be tuples of " + " mutable variables, jump functions and prior" + " densities.") if not callable(v[1]): raise Exception("Non-callable object given as prior density.") if not callable(v[2]): raise Exception("Non-callable object given as jump function.") if not callable(py): raise Exception("Non-callable object given for conditional" + "probability p(y | x).") for s in stats: if not callable(s): raise Exception("Non-callable object given as statistic.")
[docs] def __init__(self, vars, y, ly, stats = []): """ To construct an MCMC object, the user must provide a list of variables, prior distributions and likelihood functions, the measurement vector, a measurement likelihood and optionally a set of stats to evaluate at each step. Args: vars: A list of triples (v,l,j) containing a triple of a variable v, a prior likelihood function l so that `l(v)` yields a value proportional to the logarithm of the prior probability of value of v, and finally a jump function j, so that `v_new = j(ws, v_old)` yields a new value for the variable v and manipulates the :class:`~typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace` object ws so that a subsequent call to the yCalc WSM will compute the simulated measurement corresponding to the new value `v_new` of the variable v. y: The measured vector of brightness temperatures which must be consistent with the ARTS WSV y ly: The measurement likelihood such that `ly(y, yf)` gives the log of the probability that deviations between `y` and `yf` are due to measurement errors. stats: This is a list of statstics such that for each element s `s(ws)` is a scalar value computed on a given workspace. """ MCMC._check_input(vars, ly, stats) self.y = y self.vars = vars = ly self.stats = stats
[docs] def eval_l(self, ws): """ Evaluate the likelihood of the current state. This method simply computes and sums up the measurement likelihood and the prior likelihoods. Args: ws: A :class:`~typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace` object consistent with the current state of the MCMC run. """ lxs = np.zeros(len(self.vars)) ly =, ws.y.value) for i, (x, l, _) in enumerate(self.vars): lxs[i] = l(x) return ly, lxs
[docs] def step(self, ws, ly_old, lxs_old): """ The performs a Gibbs step for a given variable. This will generate a candidate for the given variable using the corresponding jump function, call `yCalc()` on the :class:`~typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace` object `ws` Args: ws: A :class:`~typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace` object consistent with the current state of the MCMC run. ly_old: The measurement likelihood before the execution of new step lxs_old: The prior likelihoods for each of the variables that are being retrieved. """ accepted = np.zeros((1, len(self.vars)), dtype=bool) lxs = np.zeros(lxs_old.shape) for i, ((x,l,j), lx_old) in enumerate(zip(self.vars, lxs_old)): # Generate new step x_new = j(ws, x) ws.yCalc() lx_new = l(x_new) ly_new =, ws.y.value) # Check Acceptance r = np.exp(lx_new + ly_new - lx_old - ly_old) if r > 1.0 or np.random.random() < r: x[:] = x_new accepted[0, i] = True ly_old = ly_new lxs[i] = lx_new else: j(ws, x, revert = True) accepted[0, i] = False lxs[i] = lxs_old[i] return accepted, ly_old, lxs
[docs] def print_log(self, step, acceptance): """ Prints log output to stdout. Args: step: The number of the current step acceptance: The array of bools tracking the acceptances for each simulation step. """ if step > 0: ar = sum(acceptance / step) else: ar = 0.0"MCMC Step " + str(step) + ": " + "ar = " + str(ar))
[docs] def warm_up(self, ws, x0s, n_steps): """ Run a simulation of `n_steps` on a given workspace `ws` starting from start values `x0s`. Args: ws: A :class:`~typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace` object setup so that only a call to the `yCalc` WSM is necessary to perform a simulation x0s: A list of start values which is used to initialized the workspace by calling `j(x0)` for each `x0` in `x0s` and `j` is the jump function of the corresponding variable. """ ls = np.zeros(n_steps + 1) stats = np.zeros((n_steps + 1, len(self.stats))) hist = [np.zeros((n_steps + 1,) + x.shape) for x,l,j in self.vars] acceptance = np.zeros((n_steps, len(self.vars)), dtype=bool) lxs = np.zeros(len(self.vars)) ly = 0.0 # Set initial state. for i,((x, l, j), x0) in enumerate(zip(self.vars, x0s)): x[:] = j(ws, x0) hist[i][0,:] = x[:] # Evaluate likelihood ws.yCalc() ly, lxs = self.eval_l(ws) ls[0] = ly + sum(lxs) # Evaluate statistics for i,s in enumerate(self.stats): stats[0, i] = s(ws) for i1 in range(n_steps): acceptance[i1, :], ly, lxs = self.step(ws, ly, lxs) for i2, h in enumerate(hist): hist[i2][i1+1, :] = self.vars[i2][0][:] for i2,s in enumerate(self.stats): stats[i1 + 1, i2] = s(ws) if (i1 % 10) == 0: self.print_log(i1, acceptance) self.ly_old = ly self.lxs_old = lxs self.stats_old = stats[-1,:] self.hist_old = [h[-1,:] for h in hist] return hist, stats, ls, acceptance
[docs] def run(self, ws, n_steps): """ Run a simulation of `n_steps` on a given workspace `ws` starting from start values `x0s`. Args: ws: A :class:`~typhon.arts.workspace.Workspace` object setup so that only a call to the `yCalc` WSM is necessary to perform a simulation x0s: A list of start values which is used to initialized the workspace by calling `j(x0)` for each `x0` in `x0s` and `j` is the jump function of the corresponding variable. """ ls = np.zeros(n_steps) stats = np.zeros((n_steps, len(self.stats))) hist = [np.zeros((n_steps,) + x.shape) for x,l,j in self.vars] acceptance = np.zeros((n_steps, len(self.vars)), dtype=bool) ly = self.ly_old lxs = self.lxs_old for i1 in range(n_steps): acceptance[i1, :], ly, lxs = self.step(ws, ly, lxs) for i2, h in enumerate(hist): hist[i2][i1, :] = self.vars[i2][0][:] for i2,s in enumerate(self.stats): stats[i1, i2] = s(ws) if (i1 % 10) == 0: self.print_log(i1, acceptance) self.ly_old = ly self.lxs_old = lxs self.stats_old = stats[-1,:] self.hist_old = [h[-1,:] for h in hist] return hist, stats, ls, acceptance