
typhon.cloudmask.aster.lapserate_modis(month, latitude)[source]

Estimate of the apparent lapse rate in [K/km]. Typical lapse rates are assumed for each month and depending on the location on Earth, i.e. southern hemisphere, tropics, or northern hemisphere. For a specific case the lapse rate is estimated by a 4th order polynomial and polynomial coefficients given in the look-up table. This approach is based on the MODIS cloud top height retrieval and applies to data recorded at 11 microns. According to Baum et al., 2012, the predicted lapse rates are restricted to a maximum and minimum of 10 and 2 K/km, respectively.

  • month (int) – Month of the year.

  • latitude (float) – Latitude of center coordinate.


Lapse rate estimate.

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Baum, B.A., W.P. Menzel, R.A. Frey, D.C. Tobin, R.E. Holz, S.A. Ackerman, A.K. Heidinger, and P. Yang, 2012: MODIS Cloud-Top Property Refinements for Collection 6. J. Appl. Meteor. Climatol., 51, 1145–1163,