
class typhon.files.handlers.common.Plotter(fig_args=None, **kwargs)[source]

File handler that can save matplotlib.figure objects to a file.

This is a specialised file handler object that can just store matplotlib.figure objects. It cannot read from a file nor get the time coverage from one. This is designed for having a simple plot dataset as output.

__init__(fig_args=None, **kwargs)[source]

Initializes a Plotter file handler class.


fig_args – A dictionary of additional keyword arguments for the fig.savefig method.



Initializes a Plotter file handler class.

get_info(filename, **kwargs)

Return a FileInfo object with parameters about the file content.

read(filename, **kwargs)

Open a file by its name, read its content and return it

write(figure, filename[, fig_args])

Saves a matplotlib.figure object to a file.