Modules in this package contain classes to handle datasets.
That includes the overall framework to handle datasets in the dataset module, as well as concrete datasets for specific sensors etc., including reading routines.
To implement a new reading routine, subclass one of the datasets here.
Module containing classes abstracting datasets
Superclass for any datafile problems |
Represents a dataset. |
A deque-like object sliding through a dataset. |
Problem locating granules. |
For any dataset created by typhon or its dependencies. |
Superclass for any hyperspectral instrument |
Raised when data is not how it should be. |
Raised when the requested information cannot be obtained from the file |
int([x]) -> integer int(x, base=10) -> integer |
Represents a dataset where measurements are spread over multiple files. |
Mixin for any dataset where the contents are in NetCDF. |
Represents a dataset where all measurements are in one file. |
Represents datasets where each file contains one measurement. |
Collection of classes related to filtering
For any errors related to filtering. |
Outlier filter based on Median Absolute Deviation |
Generic, abstract class for any kind of filtering. |
Throw out bad (masked) times. |
Force scanlines to be in the proper sequence without duplicates |
Apply HIRS flags and raise error in case of failure |
Apply masking based on calibration count filter for HIRS |
Apply masking to PRT counts when they are outliers |
Implementations to feed into firstline filtering |
Do not filter firstlines at all |
Choose best between overlaps. |
Datasets for models
Datasets for TOVS/ATOVS
This module imports typhon.physics.units and therefore has a soft dependency on the pint units library. Import this module only if you can accept such a dependency.
Functionality in common with all ATOVS. |
"HIRS-IASI collocations |
High-resolution Infra-Red Sounder. |
Sole implementation of HIRSPOD |
HIRS-HIRS collocations from Brockmann Consult |
Read early HIRS such as documented in POD guide. |
Mixin for any TOVS collocated dataset. |