Maths-related modules.
Raise all arguments to their highest numpy precision. |
Integrate array along an arbitrary axis. |
Returns the linear inteprolated halflevels for given array. |
Creates a vector with equally logarithmic spacing. |
Return copy of x with high precision dtype. |
Calculate the sum of digits. |
Create a logarithmic grid that is squeezable around a fixpoint. |
Functions operating on arrays.
Select elements from structured ndarray based on value ranges |
Find local minima for 1-D array |
Mask out mad outliers |
Vectorised parity-checking. |
Returns the index of the closest value in array. |
Various statistical functions
Calculate Allan deviation in its simplest form |
Bin/bucket y according to values of x. |
Bin/bucket data in arbitrary number of dimensions |
Calculate correlation coefficient with p-values |
get the distribution of y vs. |