Various units-related things
This module has a soft dependency on the pint units library. Please import this module only conditionally or only if you can accept a pint dependency.
Mixing for frequency/wavelength/wavenumber neutrality |
Respresents a spectral response function |
Wrapper around |
Planck law expressed in frequency. |
dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2). |
Convert spectral radiance per frequency to brightness temperature |
Convert spectral radiance from per wavenumber to per frequency |
The unit registry stores the definitions and relationships between units. |
Collection of physical constants and conversion factors.
The magnitudes of the defined constants are taken from
This module adds units defined with pint’s UnitRegistry..
Physical constants
Earth standard gravity |
Planck constant |
Boltzmann constant |
Speed of light |
Avogadro constant |
Universal gas constant |
Molar mass for dry air |
Molar mass for water vapor |
Gas constant for dry air |
Gas constant for water vapor |
Mathematical constants
Golden ratio |
SI prefixes
\(10^{24}\) |
\(10^{21}\) |
\(10^{18}\) |
\(10^{15}\) |
\(10^{12}\) |
\(10^{9}\) |
\(10^{6}\) |
\(10^{3}\) |
\(10^{2}\) |
\(10^{1}\) |
\(10^{-1}\) |
\(10^{-2}\) |
\(10^{-3}\) |
\(10^{-6}\) |
\(10^{-9}\) |
\(10^{-12}\) |
\(10^{-15}\) |
\(10^{-18}\) |
\(10^{-21}\) |
Non-SI ratios
\(10^{-6}\) parts per million |
\(10^{-9}\) parts per billion |
\(10^{-12}\) parts per trillion |
Binary prefixes
\(2^{10}\) |
\(2^{20}\) |
\(2^{30}\) |
\(2^{40}\) |
\(2^{50}\) |
\(2^{60}\) |
\(2^{70}\) |
\(2^{80}\) |
\(10^3\) |
\(10^6\) |
Earth characteristics
Earth mass |
Earth radius |
Standard atmosphere |
Miscellaneous unit-aware tools
Like xarray.DataArray, but transfers units |