TODO LIST (new) --------------- Major things: - Update all to ARTS-2 - Add scattering "calculations" getting data from Hong or Yang so that non-spheroid crystals can be used - Seperate code: in many places there are MonteCarlo-specific things in places where they don't belong. - Tear out anything related to multithreading/multiprocessing, as this is now part of ARTS itself. - Incorporate Daniels work - Incorporate DOIT, DISORT - Improve XML implementation. One main problem is that it loses the order of the tags. This severely complicated the general implementation of GriddedField... - In general, clean up ugly code (reduce, eval, ...), mainly in artsXML. - With clouds, separate pnd-field calculations from singlescatteringproperty-calculations - think of a better way to do pnd_field, scat_mono_field, etc. - Fix ugly external call to scat_file_batch and use multiprocessor code instead, see - Binary ARTS files? Medium things: - Improve implementations of e.g. artsXML.load, no need to call external programme to gunzip (use gzip module instead). - Make pickling working again - have default interpolation order (temperature, pressure) in lookup tables be at most the number of points - When generating code to read absorption lines from Arts, Hitran, etc., guess a better frequency range. - Sensors - Antennas - Go through docstrings to make sure this is up-to-date - GriddedField, make loading Arrays more generic (currently only ArrayOfString), is this actually necessary? - Add Atmosphere class, read chevalier, be smart with temperature grids, cloudbox calculation, etc. - clouds.Droplet.pnd_calc(...), pnd_field = LWC_field ?? Makes no sense? - Keep updated as Daniel changes his code Minor things: - Include the PyARTS-version, date/time and some other diagnostics in any generated control-file - Fix the required ARTS-version - Move the setting of spt_calc_agenda to another place TODO LIST (old) --------------- Improve documentation Create a package_data method for the arts_run class so that all of the data required to do the run is packed into tar-ball (as well as the arts_run instance itself) and a script for making it run. Setup some type of database for storing and retrieving scat data files.