.. include:: ./INSTALL.txt Examples -------- Some example scripts are provided in the examples/ folder. These all should work as they only depend on data provided in the data/ folder. The testall.py script described above actually verifies that the examples run without error. At the time of writing the examples are: get_atm_fields.py A demonstration of the artsGetAtmFields function MCwith3Dboxcloud.py Creates a simple cloudy-sky scenario and performs a single radiative transfer calculation using the ARTS-MC module. mc_incoming_gen.py demonstrates the use of the create_incoming_lookup function which creates a sequential linear interpolation lookup table of incoming radiances that can be used by the ARTS Monte Carlo radiative transfer algorithm. Documentation ------------- Most modules in the package have reasonably complete docstring documentation. To view this do the following: /pydoc.py -p 1234 and open http://localhost:1234 in your web browser. There is an arts_scat.py user guide in the doc/ folder of the distribution