TODO LIST (new) --------------- Major things: - Update all to ARTS-2 - Add scattering "calculations" getting data from Hong or Yang so that non-spheroid crystals can be used - Seperate code: in many places there are MonteCarlo-specific things in places where they don't belong. - Tear out anything related to multithreading/multiprocessing, as this is now part of ARTS itself. - Incorporate Daniels work - Incorporate DOIT, DISORT - Improve XML implementation. One main problem is that it loses the order of the tags. This severely complicated the general implementation of GriddedField... - In general, clean up ugly code (reduce, eval, ...), mainly in artsXML. - With clouds, separate pnd-field calculations from singlescatteringproperty-calculations - think of a better way to do pnd_field, scat_mono_field, etc. - Fix ugly external call to scat_file_batch and use multiprocessor code instead, see - Binary ARTS files? Medium things: - Improve implementations of e.g. artsXML.load, no need to call external programme to gunzip (use gzip module instead). - Make pickling working again - have default interpolation order (temperature, pressure) in lookup tables be at most the number of points - When generating code to read absorption lines from Arts, Hitran, etc., guess a better frequency range. - Sensors - Antennas - Go through docstrings to make sure this is up-to-date - GriddedField, make loading Arrays more generic (currently only ArrayOfString), is this actually necessary? - Add Atmosphere class, read chevalier, be smart with temperature grids, cloudbox calculation, etc. - clouds.Droplet.pnd_calc(...), pnd_field = LWC_field ?? Makes no sense? - Keep updated as Daniel changes his code Minor things: - Include the PyARTS-version, date/time and some other diagnostics in any generated control-file - Fix the required ARTS-version - Move the setting of spt_calc_agenda to another place From the wiki: - A grid_gen method for the PyARTS.clouds.Cloud class: I think a Cloud object holds all the information needed to create safe p_grid, lat_grid, and lon_grid vectors for ARTS simulations. Such a method would make preparing Arts runs easier. TODO LIST (old) --------------- Improve documentation Create a package_data method for the arts_run class so that all of the data required to do the run is packed into tar-ball (as well as the arts_run instance itself) and a script for making it run. Setup some type of database for storing and retrieving scat data files. WHAT HAPPENED TO SCATTERING MONTECARLO -------------------------------------- The ScatteringMonteCarlo method was removed from ARTS when a problem was found with it and no-one had time fo fix it. In most cases MCGeneral was the better option anyway. However, there were cases when this method was much much more efficient. Specifically, cases where the z_field could be considered to vary only with pressure, and where pencil beam radiances were required. In such cases you could use a look-up table to provide the incoming clear-sky radiance at the 3D cloud boundary. If anyone is interested in such applications, it probably wouldn't take a lot to resurrect the code. You would have to extract ScatteringMonteCarlo and supporting code from the appropriate subversion revision. If you are interested in doing this let me know ( and I will do my best to help.