2001-09-28  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-22

	* Mainly changes to sync Qpack with all changes in ARTS.

	* qpoem can be runed for non-linear inversions again.

	* Continued work on retrieval of continuum absorption, but not finished.

	* ycalc.tmplt replaced with basic.tmplt.

2001-09-28  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-21

	* Kx is now an output argument beside Dy when calling qpoem with
	only one input argumnent.

2001-09-27  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-20

	* cleaning in /Main, qp_rnd, qp_rndxH, not in use any more

2001-09-20  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-20

	* Small modifications in qpoem_invchar. The vertical resolution
	is not longer a return argument.

2001-09-17  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-19

	* qp_rnd_sensor updated _DO > 0 makes realizations
2001-09-17  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-18

	* qp_H saving also Hs (sensor matrix without reduction)

	* qp_Hd alowing all + hRedKx or hRedLimb

	* README updated in NUMBER_DO
2001-09-17  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-17

	* Piecewise polynomial baseline fit included (PPOLYFIT). See README
	for more details.

	* The code of qp_Sx changed, but not the functionality (I hope).

	* The code of qp_Se also changed. The definition of the MEASNOISE_DO
	field changed to be consistent with the other do fields. Calibration 
	noise can now be used again, but there is now no variable to tune the
	correlation between different viewing angles. A perfect correlation
	is assumed. 

	* The field APRIORI_VMR_DIR changed to APRIORI_VMR as the field does
	not give the name of a directory. I know that this results in that you
	have to change a lot of control files, but this thing has been bugging
	for a long time and it is better do the change now than later.

	* The Sample directory updated to work with the new way of defining
	the thermal noise.

2001-09-03  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-16

	* Big changes!!!

	* added qp_rnd_atm, qp_rnd_sensor, qp_rnd_atm_sensor
	mscripts to generate random sets, see the mscripts help
	to find out about their usage. The qp_rnd, qp_rndxH and
	qp_rndcheck are removed. The new mscripts do practically
	the same, but now the random realizations are done 
	by Matlab mscripts, as the corresponidng part in arts
	is going to be removed. rnd.tmplt has also been updated
	to remove the old stuff and generate spectra in 
	brightness temperature, after Qpack change of emission
        * qp_H and qp_Hd slighly modified to allow the use 
	of /ami/hmatrix/hRedKx and /ami/hmatrix/hRedLimb, 
	the 1st one is reduction based on Kx, the 2nd 
	a special reduction to use with limb observations
	optimized for each retrieval point and tag 
	(obviously only to be used with a suitable reduction
	method, e.g an ensemble of neural nets). See the
	hRedKx and hRedLimb help and README for info. Notice
	that hRedLimb is still under tests, so do not use till
	further notice.
	* qp_Se updated to do rnd realizations using mscript sFromFile
	Major change, definition of measurement noise, check
	README. Only measurement noise, calibration to be
	decided how to implement it, other _DO = 2 also not
	implemented as in original qp_Se.

	* qp_Sx updated to also use sFromFile 
	polynomial fit incorporated, continua still not
	* README is updated detailing new fields and so on.

2001-08-31  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-15

	* The inclusion of polynomial fit finished.

	* It is now (more?) important to set f_sensor and za_sensor.
	These files will be used in some cases even if the corresponding 
	sensor part is not included. If the backend or antenna not are
	included set F_SENSOR=F_MONO or ZA_SENSOR=ZA_PENCIL, respectively.
	* A bug in qpoem for non-linear inversion found. Not fixed!!

2001-08-31  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-14

	* Started to include polynomial fit of baseline ripple. Not finished.
	* The unit used now for emission spectra is Rayleigh-Jeans brightness
	temperature. One reason to this is that the Sx matrix easily is 
	singular when making baseline fits and using intensities.
	(I have written in AUG that brightness temperatures cannot be used for 
	practical retrievals, but I think that that statement is wrong if the
	calibration is done correctly. More about this later. For simulations 
	there is no problems.)

2001-08-24  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-13

	* qpoem_inchar has now return variables.

2001-08-06  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-012

	* /Main/qp_rnd changed so the spectra is saved without
	any sensor matrix applied, /Main/qp_rndxH added to
	do the multiplication. Why? Provides flexibility as 
	it is possible to apply a previous reduction from a
	structure Qi to a new rnd set given by Q. See help.

2001-07-30  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-11

	* Reduction based on weighting functions implemented,
	qp_Hd.m updated and new ami function/arts/ami/hmatrix/hRedKx.m
	added. New fields in Q structure KRED_ON, KRED_N, KRED_DEPTH. 

	* Functions to generate random spectra /Main/qp_rnd and 
	corresponding template /Templates/rnd.tmplt added, based on arts
	methods to generate random realizations, only species, temperature
	and pointing. They are PROVISIONAL, as a more detailed 
	implementation not relying in arts methods is needed.

2001-06-13  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* qpack-0-0-10

	* Smaller changes to cfile templates and qpoem.

2001-04-24  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-9

	* Put in temperature retrieval with HSE. Two new Q fields: PREF and

	* Updated templates to changes in ARTS regarding HSE, the ground and 

	* Fixed a bug in qpoem_invchar.

2001-04-18  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-8

	* More work on qpoem. Bugs fixed and some changes for input and output.
	Test retrievals have been performed for species, pointing off-set and
	temperature (yet only without hydrostatic eq.). However, the sample
	case is not suited for temperature retrievals but the iteration seems
	to work properly.

	* A maximum number of iterations introduced (OEM_MAX_ITER).

	* The positive constraint for non-linear species retrievals can now
	be toggled (SPECIES_POSITIVE_ON). No heavy tests for this option, but
	so far it looks good.

2001-04-17  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-7

	* Added functions etc. to easily simulate measurements corresponding
	to a Q structure. Noise is not yet included.
	The function doing the work is called qp_ycalc. A suitable Q for this
	function si found in Sample and it is called ycalc_q.

	* The Q-fields for the apriori data are renamed. See README. This to
	make it possible to select VMRs and PTZ from different directories.

	* Continua added.

2001-04-12  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-6

	* The OEM retrievals seem to work for species and pointing off-set.
	No bigger bug checks.


2001-04-11  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-5

	* Mainly a back-up commit. 

	* I have started to work on the retrieval stuff (qpoem.m etc.)

2001-03-29  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-4

	* Included: oem_iter1.tmplt, qp_Se.m, qp_kinfo.m, qpi_Kx.m, qp_Hd.m,
	qpoem_invchar.m and qpoem_iter1.m

	* Modefied the sample files somewhat to better match Odin.

	* Changes to README and sample_q

2001-03-26  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-3

	* Made an organization into sub-folders.
	* The README file extended and a first version almost ready.

	* Created a sample case (found in Sample/).


2001-03-21  Patrick Eriksson  <patrick@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-2

	* First, not finished, version of the README file.

2001-03-19  Carlos Jimenez  <jimenez@rss.chalmers.se>

	* Qpack-0-0-1

	* Initializing Qpack under cvs