%------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: qpopt_linefile % % Selects transitions to include in a linefile by pure numerical % force. % % This function performs rather detailed calculations, but can % be relatively slow for molecules with large number of transitions, % such as HNO3. % % The calculations are done as: % 1. All transitions of the molecule inside DF_SEARCH from the % primary and image bands are loaded. % 2. If DF_COMBINE has a value, transitions are combined. % 3. For each transition the following is done: % a. If the transition is inside the primary band, the line % frequency is put into F_MONO. Otherwise, thye closest % end of the primary band is included. % b. If the transition is closer to the image band than the % primary band, F_MONO is extended following the procedure in % a but for the image band. % c. Spectra are calculted for ZA_PENCIL and F_MONO and it is % checked if any value is >= TB_LIMIT. Values for the image % band are multiplicated with SIDEBAND_RATIO before comparision % to TB_LIMIT. % d. If no value is above TB_LIMIT, c is repeated for next set-up % atmosphere. Otherwise, go to e. % e. If TB_OUT is an output argument, c is performed for all set- % up atmospheres and the maximum value is styored in TB_MAX. % Otherwise, take next transition. % 4. Points 1-3 are performed for all molecules. % % If the function is called without output argument, the linefile % is stored to the corresponding file specified by Q. % % Note that for weak transitions, the printed brightness temperature % (requires Qpack report level 3) can be negative due to a non- % perfect compensation of cosmic background radiation. % % Handled line formats (LFORMAT shall equal the name given below): % % VERDANDI % Molecules are given in the Verdandi tag format, for example % 31 for O3-666. % % FORMAT: [ L, tb_max ] = qpopt_linefile( Q, f_range, lo, sideband_ratio, % za_pencil, tb_limit, df_search, molecules, ldir, lformat, % [ df_combine, nsetup ] ) % % OUT: L Structure array with line data (see % WRITE_LINEFILE). % tb_max Max intensity found for the transitions in L for % all considered set-up atmospheres. % The intensities are given as contribution to % the primary band. % IN: Q Qpack struct. % f_range Frequency range of primary band as [flow,fhigh]. % lo LO frequency. Setting LO=[] means that no % image band shall be considered. % sideband_ratio Relative contribution from the sideband. % za_pencil Zenith angle grid to be used. % tb_limit Intensity threshold (in K) for transitions . % The threshold is specified for the primary band. % Contributions to the image band is multiplicated % with SIDEBAND_RATIO. % df_search How far away from primary and image band that % transitions search shall be extended. % molecules The molecules (isotopes) for which search shall % be performed. The way the molecules are specified % follows LFORMAT. % ldir Directory with spectroscopic files. One file per % item in MOLECULES. % lformat String describing used line format. See above. % OPTIONAL: df_combine If this argument is defined and not empty, % "identical" transitions are com,bined using % COMBINE_LINES where DF_COMBINE is passed on as % DF. % nsetup If given, only the first NSETUP set-up atmospheres % are considered, thus giving faster but less % accurate result. %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 2002.01.15 Created by Patrick Eriksson function [L,tb_max] = qpopt_linefile(Q,f_range,lo,sideband_ratio,za_pencil,tb_limit,df_search,molecules,ldir,lformat,df_combine,nsetup) %=== Handle optional arguments % if ~exist('df_combine','var') df_combine = []; end % if ~exist('nsetup','var') nsetup = Inf; end %=== Check that line format is OK % if ~any( strcmp( upper(lformat), {'VERDANDI'} ) ) error(sprintf('Unknown line format (%s)',lformat)); end %=== Check remaining input % if length( f_range ) ~= 2 error('The argument F_RANGE must have length 2.'); end % if ~isscalar( sideband_ratio ) error('The argument SIDEBAND_RATIO must be a scalar.'); end % if ~isscalar( tb_limit ) error('The argument TB_LIMIT must be a scalar.'); end % if ~isscalar( df_search ) error('The argument DF_SEARCH must be a scalar.'); end %=== Some frequencies % if ~isempty( lo ) f_image = sort( 2 * lo - f_range ); % Image band f_search = [ vec2row(f_range), vec2row(f_image) ]; f_search = [ min(f_search)-df_search, max(f_search)+df_search ]; else f_search = f_range + [-df_search df_search]; end %=== Write messages % out(1,1); out(1,'Searching for transitions above given threshold ...'); out(1,sprintf('Primary band : %.3f - %.3f GHz',f_range/1e9)); if isempty( lo ) out(1,'Image band not considered.'); else out(1,sprintf('Image band : %.3f - %.3f GHz',f_image/1e9)); end out(1,sprintf('Threshold : %.4f K',tb_limit)); out(1,0); %=== Convert cosmic background radiation to Tb % global COSMIC_BG_TEMP % f_cbgr = f_range(2); % This is the highest frerquency that can be in F_MONO tb_cbgr = invrayjean( f_cbgr, planck( f_cbgr, COSMIC_BG_TEMP ) ); %=== Some variables for cfiles % tmpdir = temporary_directory( Q.TMP_AREA ); % nsetup = min( [ sstring_length( Q.SETUP_VMR ), nsetup ] ); % template = which( 'basic.tmplt' ); % QE.ABS_SAVE = 0; QE.ABS_EXIT = 0; % Q.OTHER_TAGS = '"H2O","N2"'; %=== Copy continua file to temporary dir and use this as SPECTRO_DIR % copyfile( fullfile(Q.SPECTRO_DIR,Q.CONTINUA), fullfile(tmpdir,Q.CONTINUA) ); % Q.SPECTRO_DIR = tmpdir; % linefile = fullfile(tmpdir,Q.LINEFILE); %=== Use temporary dir as CALCGRIDS_DIR % write_datafile( fullfile(tmpdir,Q.ZA_PENCIL), za_pencil, 'VECTOR' ); % copyfile( fullfile(Q.CALCGRIDS_DIR,Q.P_ABS), fullfile(tmpdir,Q.P_ABS) ); % Q.CALCGRIDS_DIR = tmpdir; %=== Loop isotopomers % L = cell( 1000, 1 ); nout = 0; tb_max = zeros( 1000, 1 ); % for imo = 1 : length( molecules ) if strcmp( upper(lformat), 'VERDANDI' ) tagname = vtag2arts( molecules(imo) ); out(1,['Doing ',tagname,' (Verdandi tag ',int2str(molecules(imo)), ... ') ...']); mo = floor( molecules(imo) / 10 ); iso = round( rem( molecules(imo), 10 ) ); if mo < 10 lfile = fullfile(ldir,sprintf('v0%d.%d',mo,iso)); else lfile = fullfile(ldir,sprintf('v%d.%d',mo,iso)); end file_ok( lfile, Q, tmpdir ); Ltest = read_verdandi( lfile, f_search ); end out(2,sprintf(... 'found %d transitions inside range of interest',length(Ltest))); %= Combine lines % if ~isempty( df_combine ) out(2,'combining lines'); nin = length( Ltest ); Ltest = combine_lines( Ltest, df_combine ); if length(Ltest) < nin out(2,sprintf('new number of transitions is %d ',length(Ltest))); else out(2,'no lines combined'); end end %= Create cfiles % out(2,'creating control files for ARTS'); % Q.RETRIEVAL_TAGS = ['"',tagname,'"']; % for ii = 1 : nsetup Q.APRIORI_VMR = sstring_get_i( Q.SETUP_VMR, ii ); Q.APRIORI_PTZ = sstring_get_i( Q.SETUP_PTZ, ii ); [cfile,basename] = qtool( Q, tmpdir, template, QE ); basenames{ii} = sprintf('%s%d',basename,ii); cfiles{ii} = sprintf('%s.arts',basenames{ii}); copyfile( cfile, cfiles{ii} ); end %= Wait bar % if out(2) hbar = waitbar(0,['Doing transitions for ',tagname]); end %= Loop transitions % nlines = length(Ltest); % for i = 1 : nlines %= Write to linefile % write_linefile( linefile, Ltest(i) ,0 ,0 ); %= Put in closest primary frequency in f_mono % if Ltest{i}.f < f_range(1) f_mono = f_range(1); elseif Ltest{i}.f > f_range(2) f_mono = f_range(2); else f_mono = Ltest{i}.f; end %= Add closest image frequency if frequency is closer to image band %= than primary band. % if ~isempty( lo ) & ... min(abs(Ltest{i}.f-f_image)) < min(abs(Ltest{i}.f-f_range)) if Ltest{i}.f < f_image(1) f_mono = [ f_mono, f_image(1) ]; elseif Ltest{i}.f > f_image(2) f_mono = [ f_mono, f_image(2) ]; else f_mono = [ f_mono, Ltest{i}.f ]; end tb_fac = [1 sideband_ratio]; else tb_fac = 1; end %= Create fole for F_MONO % write_datafile( fullfile(Q.CALCGRIDS_DIR,Q.F_MONO), f_mono, 'VECTOR' ); %= Loop set-up atmospheres % saved = 0; % for ii = 1 : nsetup %= Run ARTS and load spectra % qp_arts( Q, cfiles{ii} ); % y = read_artsvar( basenames{ii}, 'y' ); Y = reshape( y-tb_cbgr, length( f_mono ), length( za_pencil ) ); tb = max(max(Y').*tb_fac); if tb > tb_limit if ~saved nout = nout + 1; L{nout} = Ltest{i}; saved = 1; if nargout == 1 break; end end if tb > tb_max(nout) tb_max(nout) = tb; end end end if saved out(3,sprintf('+ %.3f saved (%.3f K)',Ltest{i}.f/1e9,tb_max(nout))); else out(3,sprintf('- %.3f not saved (%.1e K)',Ltest{i}.f/1e9,tb)); end if out(2) waitbar( i/nlines, hbar ); end end if out(2) delete(hbar); drawnow end out(3,' '); end %=== Remove excess part of TB_MAX % if nout < length(L) L = L(1:nout); tb_max = tb_max(1:nout); end %=== Delete the temporary directory % delete_tmp_dir( Q.TMP_AREA, tmpdir ); %=== Save if no output argument % if ~nargout % write_linefile( fullfile(Q.SPECTRO_DIR,'/',Q.LINEFILE), L , 0, 0 ); % end out(1,-1); return %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function file_ok( lfile, Q, tmpdir ) % if ~exist( lfile, 'file' ) delete_tmp_dir( Q.TMP_AREA, tmpdir ); error(sprintf('Could not open file %s',lfile )); end return