%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: ycalc_q % % A sample Q definition function for simulating a measurement. % % For simulating measurements a sub-set of the Q-fields are % used (no new field names are introduced). It is not necessary % to specify the fields that are not used (what fields that % actually are used is not documented, use trail and error!). % % To simulate the measurement, type: % % >> Qy = qpack( 'ycalc_q' ); % >> qp_H( Qy ); % >> y = qp_ycalc( Qy ); % % Note that the field OUT must have an unique name to avoid % crashes with the pre-calculations. % % FORMAT: Q = ycalc_q( Q ) % % OUT: Q the setting structure for Qpack % IN: Q the setting structure for Qpack % OPTIONAL: - % % TEMPLATE: - % Q-FIELDS: - %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 2001.04.17 Created by Patrick Eriksson function Q = ycalc_q( Q ) %=== Report levels % Q.QP_LEVEL = 0; Q.ARTS_LEVEL = 0; %=== Directories % top_dir = '/u/patrick/ARTS/Qpack/Samples'; % Q.ARTS = 'arts'; Q.OUT = [top_dir,'/Out/ycalc']; Q.TMP_AREA = '/tmp'; Q.SPECTRO_DIR = [top_dir,'/Spectroscopy']; Q.CALCGRIDS_DIR = [top_dir,'/CalcGrids']; Q.SENSOR_DIR = [top_dir,'/Sensor']; %=== Atmospheres % Q.APRIORI_VMR = ... '/u/patrick/ARTS/arts-data/atmosphere/fascod/midlatitude-summer'; Q.APRIORI_PTZ = ... '/u/patrick/ARTS/arts-data/atmosphere/fascod/midlatitude-winter.tz.aa'; %=== Species % Q.RETRIEVAL_TAGS = [ ... '"ClO",', ... '"O3",', ... '"N2O",', ... '"H2O-MPM89"' ]; % Q.OTHER_TAGS = [... '"N2-SelfContStandardType"' ]; %=== Spectroscopy % Q.LINEFILE = 'lines501.4'; % Q.LINESHAPE = 'Voigt_Kuntz3'; Q.LINESHAPE_FACTOR = 'quadratic'; Q.LINESHAPE_CUTOFF = -1; % Q.CONTINUA = 'continua_std'; %=== Hydrostatic eq. Q.HSE_IN_ON = 1; Q.HSE_PREF = 1.01e5; Q.HSE_ZREF = 0; %=== RTE % Q.PLATFORM_ALTITUDE = 625e3; Q.STEPLENGTH_RTE = 20e3; % Q.GROUND_ALTITUDE = 200; Q.GROUND_EMISSION = 1; % Q.REFRACTION_ON = 1; Q.REFR_METHOD = 'Boudouris'; Q.REFR_LFAC = ceil( Q.STEPLENGTH_RTE/2e3 ); % Q.EMISSION_ON = 1; %=== Calculation grids % Q.P_ABS = 'p_abs.aa'; Q.F_MONO = 'f_mono.aa'; Q.ZA_PENCIL = 'za_pencil.aa'; %=== Sensor % Q.F_ORDER = 1; Q.ZA_ORDER = 1; % Q.ANTENNA_ON = 1; Q.ANTENNA_ZA = 'antenna_za.aa'; Q.ANTENNA_FILE = 'antenna.aa'; Q.ANTENNA_ORDER = 1; Q.ANTENNA_MOVE = 0.011; % Q.DSB_ON = 1; Q.DSB_FILE = 'sbfilter501.380.aa'; Q.DSB_ORDER = 3; Q.DSB_FPRIMARY = 501.38e9; Q.DSB_LO = 497.38e9; % Q.BACKEND_ON = 1; Q.BACKEND_FREQS = 'backend_freqs.aa'; Q.BACKEND_FILE = 'ac_channel_r1.16.ab'; Q.BACKEND_ORDER = 3;