# A retrieval grid focusing on the lower stratosphere # # Fine grid covers 300 to 10 hPa (roughly 9 to 32 km). # # The grid is created by the command: # # loggrid([1.013e5,300e2,10e2,1e2,0.1],[5,11,5,3]) # 1 35 1 1.0130e+05 6.7522e+04 4.5007e+04 3.0000e+04 2.4560e+04 2.0107e+04 1.6461e+04 1.3476e+04 1.1032e+04 9.0320e+03 7.3943e+03 6.0535e+03 4.9558e+03 4.0572e+03 3.3215e+03 2.7192e+03 2.2262e+03 1.8225e+03 1.4920e+03 1.2215e+03 1.0000e+03 6.3096e+02 3.9811e+02 2.5119e+02 1.5849e+02 1.0000e+02 4.6416e+01 2.1544e+01 1.0000e+01 4.6416e+00 2.1544e+00 1.0000e+00 4.6416e-01 2.1544e-01 1.0000e-01