function create_cira_xml %=== Read southern hemisphere temperatures % fid = cira_open( pwd, 'sht.dat' ); [ps,SH] = cira_read( fid, 't' ); fclose(fid); %=== Read northern hemisphere temperatures % fid = cira_open( pwd, 'nht.dat' ); [pn,NH] = cira_read( fid, 't' ); fclose(fid); % pn and ps are identical! %=== Combine the temperatures for SH and NH, and sort p % [TT,p,lat] = cira_combine( ps, SH, NH ); % clear pn ps SH NH %--- Fix bad temperature values % for im = 1:size(TT,1) for ilat = 1:size(TT,2) ind = find( TT(im,ilat,:) >= 999 ); if ~isempty(ind) TT(im,ilat,ind) = TT(im,ilat,ind(end)+1); end end end %--- Store "atmosphere" temperature files % A.grids = { p, lat, 0 }; A.gridnames = { 'Pressure', 'Latitude', 'Longitude' }; A.dataname = 'Temperature'; % for im = 1:12 filename = sprintf( 'cira86_month%d.t.xml', im ); = sprintf( 'CIRA86 temperature for month %d', im ); = squeeze( TT(im,:,:) )'; xmlStore( filename, A, 'GriddedField3' ); end %--- Create and store climatology % C = make_climatology( p, lat, TT ); = 'CIRA86 temperature'; C.dataname = 'Temperature'; % filename = fullfile( fileparts(fileparts(pwd)), 'climatology', 'cira86', ... 'cira86.t.xml' ); xmlStore( filename, C, 'GriddedField4' ); %--- Convert to altitudes % Z = TT; p0 = 350e2; % for im = 1:size(TT,1) for ilat = 1:size(TT,2) t = squeeze(TT(im,ilat,:)); h2o = zeros( size(p) ); ind = find( p > p0 & t > 273.15 ); if ~isempty(ind) h2o(ind) = 0.5 * e_eq_water( t(ind) ) ./ p(ind); end ind = find( p > p0 & t <= 273.15 ); if ~isempty(ind) h2o(ind) = 0.5 * e_eq_ice( t(ind) ) ./ p(ind); end Z(im,ilat,:) = pt2z( p, t, h2o, 1013e2, 0, lat(ilat) ); end end %--- Store altitude files % for im = 1:12 filename = sprintf( 'cira86_month%d.z.xml', im ); = squeeze( Z(im,:,:) )'; xmlStore( filename, A, 'GriddedField3' ); end %--- Create and store climatology % C = make_climatology( p, lat, Z ); = 'CIRA86 geometrical altitudes'; C.dataname = 'Altitude'; % filename = fullfile( fileparts(fileparts(pwd)), 'climatology', 'cira86', ... 'cira86.z.xml' ); xmlStore( filename, C, 'GriddedField4' ); return %---------------------------------------------------------------------------- % Copied from cira86.m in ami/file, with some modifications. function fid = cira_open( folderpath, name ) fid = fopen( fullfile(folderpath,name), 'r' ); if fid < 0 error(sprintf('The file %s could not be opened.',name)); end return function [cp,A] = cira_read( fid, t_or_z ) if t_or_z == 't' n = 20; elseif t_or_z == 'z' n = 19; else error('Unknown letter code'); end % Allocate a tensor for data to read B = zeros(12,n,71); % Loop months and read for i = 1:12 % Read 6 lines with text for j = 1:6 fgetl(fid); end % Read the data for the month B(i,:,:) = fscanf( fid, '%f', [n 71] ); % Read newline character fgetl(fid); end cp = squeeze( B(1,2,:) ) * 100; A = B( :, n + (-16:0), : ); return function [A,p,lat] = cira_combine( ps, SH, NH ) % Data for +-80 are copied to be valid also for +-90 A = zeros(12,35,71); lat = [-90 -80:5:80 90 ]; A(:,1,:) = SH(:,1,:); A(:,35,:) = NH(:,17,:); A(:,2:18,:) = SH; A(:,19:34,:) = NH(:,2:17,:); p = ps( end:-1:1 ); A = A(:,:,end:-1:1); return function C = make_climatology( p, lat, A ) %- Data for doy 0 and 367 will be created to cover the complete year dd = daysinmonth( 2007, 1:12 ); % Just some non leap-year doy = [ 0 dd(1)/2 cumsum(dd(1:11))+dd(2:12)/2 367]; C.grids = { p, lat, 0, doy }; C.gridnames = { 'Pressure', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'doy' }; = zeros(71,35,1,14); for ilat = 1 : 35 for d = 1 :14 if d == 1,ilat,1,d) = (A(1,ilat,:) + A(12,ilat,:) ) / 2; elseif d == 14,ilat,1,d) =,ilat,1,1); else,ilat,1,d) = A(d-1,ilat,:); end end end return