This directory contains files describing parts of the COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA-86) The original CIRA-86 data are zonally averaged monthly mean climatologies of several atmospheric parameters. * Temperatures, * zonal winds, and * geopotential heights are available on a grid with a resolution of 5 degrees in latitude and 0.25 in log-pressure scale height. In addition, data sets of * temperatures, * zonal winds, and * pressures are accessible on a grid with a resolution of 10 degrees latitude and 5 km altitude. Further information in the README file. The files described in README were downloaded from the SPARC data centre 2002-08-13 ( The files sht.dat and nht.dat have been used to create xml files giving temperature and geometrical altitude as a function of pressure, for different months. This was done by create_cira_xml.m, found in this folder. The function modifies the data in some ways: * Data for latitudes +-80 deg have been copied to +-90 deg, to cover all possible latitudes. * CIRA does not contain temperatures for some low altitudes above Antarctica (no data available as always covered by ice). The temperature for lowest OK altitude has been copied to all "empty" positions". * Altitudes have been calculated by *zt2p*, instead of using CIRA's own altitudes as they are only approximative (and geopotential instead of geometrical). For this calculation, water vapour is set to 50% RH for pressures > 350 hPa. A complete dry atmosphere is assumed for higher altitudes. Patrick Eriksson 2007-11-01