The data in here is supposed to be used with the species-tag "LM-2NDORDER". Below follows a description of the file(s) in use: o2_v1_0_band_40-120_GHz Based on: Tretyakov et al., 2005, 60-GHz oxygen band: precise broadening and central frequencies of fine-structure lines, absolute absorption profile at atmospheric pressure, and revision of mixing coefficients JMS 231, 1-14 doi:10.1016/j.jms.2004.11.011. Tested region: 295-297 K. Can be matched to quantum numbers: v1, Upper N, Lower N, Upper J, Lower J Contains: First Order Zeroth Phase Correction, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Standard Temperature For Corrections, First Order Phase Temperature Correction Exponential Term, 0, 0.