Format of zeeman_constants.xml: @ Isotope GS Spin Hund_case where GS is a constant for the molecule that calculates the effective g-value, Spin is a molecular constant, and Hund_case tells the program to estimate the calculations with a specific Hund case. The Zeeman split is calculated with changes in energy levels. Essentially, dE = g M C_Z, where g = GS/2 * g_H, and g_H is a function of the quantum numbers for a certain transition and certain Hund case, M is the quantum number projection of the total angular momentum on the magnetic field, and C_Z is a function of physical constants and the magnetic field. The change in frequency is then calculated from df = dE'-dE'', where the primes tells you that the quantum numbers are before and after the transition. Hund case a is number "0", and Hund case b is number "1". Assuming the electron is free, then GS = 2.0023193043622. We used this assumption when we had no other data for GS. However, we do not know how well this assumption holds for the respective molecules. Currently, this regards NO2 and HO2. The GS values for O2, NO, OH, ClO, and SO are from H. Christensen, and L. Veseth, On the High-Precision Zeeman Effect in 02 and SO. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 72, 438-444, 1978. L. Veseth, Relativistic Corrections to the Zeeman Effect in Diatomic Molecules. Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy 66, 259-271, 1977.