File "hitran_cia2012_adapted.xml.gz" contains HITRAN 2011 CIA data adapted for ARTS calculations. Besides the conversion to ARTS XML format, some changes have been made. See below for list of changes and comments. "N2-CIA-N2-0": Rototranslational band. "N2-CIA-N2-1": Fundamental band. For this, two different HITRAN datasets have been fused. "N2-CIA-H2-0": "N2-CIA-CH4-0": "H2-CIA-H2-0": "H2-CIA-He-0": "H2-CIA-CH4-0": "H2-CIA-H-0": Only for high temperatures (above 1000 K) "He-CIA-H-0": Only for high temperatures (above 1500 K) "O2-CIA-O2-0": Higher dataset numbers not included (they are in the UV/Vis). ("O2-CIA-N2-0": Not included! Only UV/Vis.) ("O2-CIA-CO2-0": Not included! Only UV/Vis.) "CO2-CIA-CO2-0": Only up to 250 cm^-1. HITRAN themselves recommend caution. "CH4-CIA-CH4-0": "CH4-CIA-Ar-0": Valid frequency and temperature ranges are as follows: - Print CIA tag; Spectral range [cm-1]; Temp range [K]; # of sets N2-CIA-N2-0; 0.02 - 554.00; 40.00 - 400.00; 10 N2-CIA-N2-1; 1850.00 - 3000.09; 228.20 - 362.50; 10 N2-CIA-H2-0; 0.02 - 1886.00; 40.00 - 400.00; 10 N2-CIA-CH4-0; 0.02 - 1379.00; 40.00 - 400.00; 10 H2-CIA-H2-0; 20.00 - 10000.00; 200.00 - 3000.00; 113 H2-CIA-He-0; 20.00 - 20000.00; 200.00 - 9900.00; 334 H2-CIA-CH4-0; 0.02 - 1946.00; 40.00 - 400.00; 10 H2-CIA-H-0; 100.00 - 10000.00; 1000.00 - 2500.00; 4 He-CIA-H-0; 50.00 - 11000.00; 1500.00 - 10000.00; 10 O2-CIA-O2-0; 1150.00 - 1950.00; 193.40 - 353.40; 15 CO2-CIA-CO2-0; 1.00 - 250.00; 200.00 - 800.00; 7 CH4-CIA-CH4-0; 0.02 - 990.00; 40.00 - 400.00; 10 CH4-CIA-Ar-0; 1.00 - 697.00; 70.00 - 296.00; 5 Log of Changes: N2-N2: Merged the two high-frequency datasets. O2-O2: Kick out UV/Vis datasets CO2-CO2: This is only the self continuum of CO2. The CO2-air continuum has strong features above 250 cm^-1 that are present in CKD_MT but missing here. HITRAN data generally looks weird. It is only in the alternative folder, and in the paper they basically recommend not to use it. ==> No changes, but usage not recommended. O2-N2, O2-CO2: UV/Vis only, remove. Author: Stefan Buehler Date: 2013-02-13