This directory contains Earth electron density field data IRI*.xml -------- - Global electron density fields from IRI2012 model (created from Fortran code provided on IRI website: - provided for: - solar maximum and minimum cases ( Rz,IG=[0,-5] and [200,195] ) - 3-hourly UTC grid - summer and winter solstice and spring and fall equinox - as xml provided with resolution 5deg x 5deg on irregular altitude grid - naming convention: IRI_[solar activity]_[season]_[UTC].Ne.xml - originally given over altitude, (globally fixed) conversion to pressure done assuming hydrostatic equilibrium with constants (gravity, gas constant, mean molecular weight) chosen as set or suggested by ARTS. resulting p_grid and z_field stored in IRI.Ne.z.xml (as true 3D with lat=[-90,90] and lon=[0,360]).