This directory contains planet characterization data (atmospheric profiles, surface properties, and the like) for Mars Mars.surface_complex_refr_index_field.xml ----------------------- - global field of surface refractive index - originating from dielectric constant data (real part only; hence imag. part set to 0) provided by Hartogh&Rezac (MPI) within ESA Planetary study - for more details see TechnicalNote2 of the ESA Planetary study Mars.z_surface.xml ----------------------- !!!!! !NOTE: this is deviation from mean surface altitude, i.e. by definition half of ! the area has negative altitudes. Atmospheric altitude data has a different ! reference and is only defined above 5m. That is this data CAN NOT BE USED ! globally and IS NOT necessarily CONSISTENT. !!!!! - global terrain model data - delivered by Hartogh&Rezac (MPI) within ESA Planetary study - for more details see TechnicalNote2 of the ESA Planetary study - modified for meeting constant at poles requirement by explicitly adding pole points (else ARTS extrapolates which leads to non-constant values at poles) created by extrapolation at all longitudes and taking the mean of those extrapolated points. Mars.Ls[0,90,180,270].[day,night].dust-[low,medium,high]/*.t_surface.xml ----------------------- - global field(s) of surface (=skin) temperature - all currently available delivered by Hartogh&Rezac (MPI) within ESA Planetary study - available for 4 seasons, day/night, and 3 dust loadings (corresponding to atmospheric cases, except negligible dependence on solar activity) - for more details see TechnicalNote2 of the ESA Planetary study Mars.Ls[0,90,180,270].[day,night].dust-[low,medium,high]/Mars.Ls[0,90,180,270].[day,night].dust-[low,medium,high].sol-[min,avg,max]/*.xml ----------------------- - (1D) atmospheric profiles (grouped into scenarios with one folder per scenario) - contain profiles over p of T,z, trace gas VMR, dust and H2O-ice M/VMR, winds, electron densities - available for 4 seasons, day/night, 3 dust loadings, and 3 solar activities - all currently available delivered by Hartogh&Rezac (MPI) within ESA Planetary study - for more details see TechnicalNote2 of the ESA Planetary study