This folder contains xml output of partition functions for ARTS To use this file in ARTS, please specify partition_functions as ReadXML(partition_functions,"tips.xml") The data in tips.xml is from the TIPS program [1] and from ARTS built-in partition functions. The TIPS program grids data between 70 and 3000 K on a 1 K grid. The ARTS built-in data is assumed to be limited between 150 to 300 K. The following species are in ARTS built-in but not available in TIPS: H2O-262, SO2-636, SO2-628, NH3-4112, HNO3-156, HF-29, HCl-25, HCl-27, HBr-29, HBr-21, HI-27, H2CO-1126, H2CO-1136, H2CO-1128, H2CO-1226, H2CO-2226, N2-45, HCN-224, COF2-369, H2S-122, HCOOH-1261, HCOOH-1361, HCOOH-2261, HCOOH-1262, OClO-656, OClO-676, BrO-96, BrO-16, H2SO4-126, Cl2O2-565, Cl2O2-765, CH3CN-211124, CH3CN-311124, CH3CN-211134, CH3CN-211125, CH3CN-211224, HC3N-12224, HC3N-12234, HC3N-12324, HC3N-13224, HC3N-12225, HC3N-22224, HNC-142, HNC-143, HNC-152, HNC-242, C3H8-21, H-1, He-4, Ar-8, C4H2-2211, SO3-26 The following species are in TIPS but are not yet available to ARTS: O3-886, O3-868, O3-678, O3-768, O3-786, O3-776, O3-767, O3-888, O3-887, O3-878, O3-778, O3-787, O3-777, H2CO-126, H2CO-136, H2CO-128, HCOOH-126, CH3CN-2124, CH3CN-2134, CH3CN-3124, CH3CN-3134, C4H2-1221, HC3N_12224, HC3N_12234, HC3N_12324, HC3N_13224, HC3N_12225, HC3N_22224, C2N2-4224, C2N2-5225, C3H4-1221, CH3-2111, CS2-222, CS2-224, CS2-223, CS2-232 [1] Fischer, J., R. R. Gamache, A. Goldman, L. S. Rothman, and A. Perrin (2003), Total internal partition sums for molecular species in the 2000 edition of the HITRAN database, J. Quant. Spectrosc. Radiat. Transfer, 82(1–4), 401–412, doi:10.1016/S0022-4073(03)00166-3.