COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere (CIRA-86) This directory contains 7 ascii files with the CIRA data in a self-explanatory format: nht.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean temperature as a function of latitude and log-pressure scale height (resolution: 5 degrees x 0.25 log-pressure scale heights) for the Northern Hemisphere nhw.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean zonal wind as a function of latitude and log-pressure scale height (resolution: 5 degrees x 0.25 log-pressure scale heights) for the Northern Hemisphere nhz.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean geopotential height as a function of latitude and log-pressure scale height (resolution: 5 degrees x 0.25 log-pressure scale heights) for the Northern Hemisphere sht.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean temperature as a function of latitude and log-pressure scale height (resolution: 5 degrees x 0.25 log-pressure scale heights) for the Southern Hemisphere shw.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean zonal wind as a function of latitude and log-pressure scale height (resolution: 5 degrees x 0.25 log-pressure scale heights) for the Southern Hemisphere shz.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean geopotential height as a function of latitude and log-pressure scale height (resolution: 5 degrees x 0.25 log-pressure scale heights) for the Southern Hemisphere twp.dat Zonally averaged monthly mean temperature, wind, and pressure as a function of latitude and altitude (10 dregrees x 5 km) for the entire globe References: Fleming, E.L., S. Chandra, J.J. Barnett, and M. Corney, Zonal mean temperature, pressure, zonal wind, and geopotential height as functions of latitude, COSPAR International Reference Atmosphere: 1986, Part II: Middle Atmosphere Models, Adv. Space Res., Vol. 10, No. 12, pp. 11-59, 1990. Fleming, E.L., S. Chandra, M.R. Schoeberl, and J.J. Barnett, Monthly mean global climatology of temperature, wind, geopotential height, and pressure for 0-120 km, NASA Tech. Memo. NASA TM-100697, 85 pp., 1988. (reprints available from Eric Fleming ------------------------------------------------------------------ SPARC Data Center August 31, 2000 Petra Udelhofen, e-mail: