This directory contains t/z/vmr field data from the FASCOD model - 5 atmospheric scenarios for different seasons and geographic locations (out of originally 6 scenarios - US Standard is currently missing) - 1D fields given 0-95km (originally: 0-120km) - complemented by "expanded" t/z fields covering altitudes up to 2000km. These have been consistently created for use with the IRI and IGRF data, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium and a constant temperature (within the profile as well as for all the 5 scenarios) at altitudes above 95km. NOTE: When using these data, it is highly recommended to use ARTS' z_fieldFromHSE method for adjusting the calculation z_field to hydrostatic equilibrium conditions (the ARTS internal z-over-p interpolation does not conserve this; enforcing hydrostatic equilibrium by applying z_fieldFromHSE brings back the z data closer to the original profile). - for more on original data see: Anderson, G. P., S. A. Clough, F. X. Kneizys, J. H. Chetwynd, and E. P. Shettle (1986), AFGL atmospheric constituent profiles (0–120 km), AFGL, TR-86-0110.