This directory contains planet characterization data (atmospheric profiles, surface properties, and the like) for Venus provided by MPS within ESA Planetary study. For more details see TechnicalNote2 of the ESA Planetary study. Venus.surface_complex_refr_index_field.xml ------------------------ - global field of surface refractive index - originating from dielectric constant data (real part only; hence imag. part set to 0) - for more details see TechnicalNote2 of the ESA Planetary study Venus.t_surface.xml ----------------------- - global field of surface (=skin) temperature - single, mean condition field Venus.[vira,spicav].[day,day_highlat,night,night_cold]/*.xml ----------------------- - (1D) atmospheric profiles (grouped into scenarios with one folder per scenario) - contain profiles over p of T,z, trace gas VMR, winds, electron densities - all together 5 scenarios from different data sources (VIRA and SPICAV), for 2 times of day (day,night) ================= On origin of data ================= For a couple of reasons finally selected data is taken from a number of different versions of data delivered by MPS (uploaded and archived on redmine): - After some discussion, we decided to not require (and deliver) pre-zeropadded data. Hence, we do NOT use the newest version of data uploaded by MPS, but - as far as possible - the original, non-padded data. - We need, however consistent, full-coverage (i.e., covering both the vmr and el.dens. regions) z and T data. This is available from the latest (ext*) data sets, hence we get z and T fields from those instead of merging them ourselves from the original data, where vmr/T and el.dens. come with their own z fields. - In the orginal el.dens. data, there are only 3 sets (day, night, night_cold) instead of the 5 scenarios (, vira.day_highlat, vira.night, spicav.night, spicav.night_cold) given, and assignment between the 3 and 5 cases is not clear. The latest (ext*) el.dens. data set contains data for all 5 scenarios (though originally sorted into day/ and night/ folders instead of into the 5 scenario folders) and seems to agree well with the T-fields for the different cases (assuming/indicating the el.dens.-over-z is not scenario dependend). Hence, we take the el.dens. fields from the ext* data. In the following we document, which version (date) of the individual data is taken: --------------------------------------------------- name upload date --------------------------------------------------- Venus.Surf.T.xml 2012-03-19 Venus.mean.epsilon_with_high_MM.xml 2012-03-07 winds.tar.gz 2012-03-09 ext.venus_el.dens_day.tar.gz 2012-04-11 ext.venus_el.dens_night.tar.gz 2012-04-11 #T, z from ext.spicav.night.tar.gz 2012-04-11 ext.spicav.night_cold.tar.gz 2012-04-11 2012-04-11 2012-04-11 ext.venus.vira.standard.night.tar.gz 2012-04-11 #VMR from venus.spicav.night.tar.gz 2012-03-06 venus.spicav.night_cold.tar.gz 2012-03-06 2012-03-06 2012-03-06 venus.vira.standard.night.tar.gz 2012-03-06 --------------------------------------------------- Wind data has been produced for each of the atmospheric scenarios, but delivered with files in a common folder. We've sorted these wind data files into the corresponding scenario folders. The version of electron density data we eventually use has been produced separately for each of the 5 scenarios, but is delivered sorted into day and night folders. We've sorted them into the corresponding one of the 5 scenario folders. ========= TODO (and document): ========= - tagging, cyclicity, eps->n epsilon