Welcome to ARTS. ARTS is free software. Please see the file COPYING for details. If you use data generated by ARTS in a scientific publication, then please mention this and cite the most appropriate of the ARTS publications that are summarized on http://www.sat.uni-bremen.de/arts/docs.php For documentation, please see the files in the doc subdirectory. For building and installation instructions please see the INSTALL file. Prerequisites for building arts: gcc (or icc) g++ (or icc) cmake (>=2.6.3) zlib netcdf (optional) To build the documentation you also need: pdflatex (optional) doxygen (optional) graphviz (optional) Here are the steps to use cmake to build arts. Go into the build directory in the arts directory and run: cd build cmake .. make If you only want to build the arts executable you can just run 'make arts' instead of 'make'. If you have a multi-core processor or multiprocessor machine, don't forget to use the -j option to speed up the compilation: make -jX Where X is the number of parallel build processes. X=(Number of Cores)+1 gives you usually the fastest compilation time. To build a release version without assertions or debugging symbols use: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .. make clean make To switch back to the debug version use: cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo .. make clean make This is also the default configuration if you run cmake without options in an empty build directory. You can also disable certain features: Disable assertions: cmake -DNO_ASSERT=1 .. Disable OpenMP: cmake -DNO_OPENMP=1 .. Disable NetCDF: cmake -DNO_NETCDF=1 .. Disable the built-in documentation server: cmake -DNO_DOCSERVER=1 .. Treat warnings as errors: cmake -DWERROR=1 .. If you want to compile with the Intel compiler, start with an empty build directory and run: CC=icc CXX=icpc cmake .. If you're on a Mac and have the Apple Xcode development environment installed, you can generate a project file and use Xcode to build arts: cmake -G Xcode .. open ARTS.xcodeproj Experimental features (only use if you know what you're doing) ============================================================== Enable the disort code: cmake -DENABLE_DISORT=1 ..