function setup_input % These variables end with _multi in arts, but the names are here shortened % to the names used for single mixer cases % AMSU-B is a true DSB instrument, but one sideband must be assigned as % main band and the upper band is here selected. % Channels to include: % ind = 16:20; %--- Index of "channel 0" % i0 = 15; %--- Antenna response % % The nominal width is the same for all channels (1.1 deg). % Grids spanning [-1,1] degrees cover 95% of the response. % No normalisation of R performed here. Fixed by arts (with sensor_norm=1) % width = 1.1; za_grid = -1.0 : 0.1 : 1.0; aa_grid = za_grid; % si = fwhm2si( width ); [A,Z] = meshgrid( aa_grid, za_grid ); R = mvnpdf( [Z(:) A(:)], [0 0], (si*si)*eye(2) ); R = reshape( R, length(za_grid), length(aa_grid) ); % = 'Antenna response function'; G.gridnames = { 'Polarisation', 'Frequency', 'Zenith angle', 'Azimuth angle' }; G.grids = { {'1'}, 150e9, za_grid, aa_grid }; G.dataname = 'Response';,1,:,:) = R; % %xmlStore( 'amsub.antenna.xml', G, 'GriddedField4' ); % clear G %--- LO frequencies % lo = [ 89e9, 150e9, 183.31e9, 183.31e9, 183.31e9 ]; % %xmlStore( 'amsub.lo.xml', lo(ind-i0), 'Vector' ); %--- Main sideband (see above) % sideband_mode = { 'upper', 'upper', 'upper', 'upper', 'upper' }; % %xmlStore( 'amsub.sideband_mode.xml', {sideband_mode{ind-i0}}, 'ArrayOfString' ); %--- Sideband response % % Is equal everywhere but frequency grids must be adjusted to channel % width and spacing. % = 'Sideband response function'; Gtmplt.gridnames = { 'Frequency' }; Gtmplt.grids = []; Gtmplt.dataname = 'Response'; = [0.5 0.5]; % [G{1:5}] = deal( Gtmplt ); % G{1}.grids = { 1400e6*[-1 1] }; G{2}.grids = G{1}.grids; G{3}.grids = { 8000e6*[-1 1] }; G{4}.grids = G{3}.grids; G{5}.grids = G{3}.grids; % xmlStore( 'amsub.sideband_response.xml', {G{ind-i0}}, 'ArrayOfGriddedField1' ); %--- Center position of backend channels % % Frequencies must match selection of "main band" % G = { [89.9e9], [150.9e9], [184.31e9], [186.31e9], [190.31e9] }; % %xmlStore( 'amsub.f_backend.xml', {G{ind-i0}}, 'ArrayOfVector' ); %--- Backend channel response functions % = 'Backend channel response function'; = [1 1]; % G = []; % G{1}{1} = Gtmplt; G{1}{1}.grids = { [-500 500]*1e6 }; % G{2}{1} = G{1}{1}; % G{3}{1} = Gtmplt; G{3}{1}.grids = { [-250 250]*1e6 }; % G{4}{1} = G{1}{1}; % G{5}{1} = Gtmplt; G{5}{1}.grids = { [-1000 1000]*1e6 }; % %xmlStore( 'amsub.backend_channel_response.xml', {G{ind-i0}}, 'ArrayOfArrayOfGriddedField1' );