#DEFINITIONS: -*-sh-*- # ARTS setup file for HIRS reference simulations. # # Use this if you want to do exact calculations, for example to # validate fast calculations. # # This expects a number of workspace variables to exist and to be set: # # satellite (String) The name of the satellite. Is # used internally to construct # file names of the instrument # description files # f_backend_file and # backend_channel_response_file. # channels (ArrayOfIndex) Which channels you want. # HIRS Channels 13-19 are shortwave # channels. Simulating them with # ARTS for thermal radiation only is # pointless. So you probably want 0 to 11 # (zero based ARTS indexing) # views (ArrayOfIndex) Which views you want. # hitran_file (String) Name of HITRAN catalogue file. # f_grid_spacing (Numeric) Frequency grid spacing. # Concerning the frequency grid spacing: # I tested the spacing on HIRS channel 12. With 5e8 Hz spacing I got # an RMS error of 0.01 K and a maximum error of 0.02 K. This should be # good enough. We will have 8402 frequencies for Channel 12. # A coarser spacing of 5e9 Hz gave an RMS error of 0.03 and a maximum # error 0.05. # All these number are against a reference calculation with 5e7 Hz # spacing, which was shown to give nearly identical result to a somewhat # coarser calculation. # Recommendation: # reference calculation: f_grid_spacing 5e8 # faster calculations: f_grid_spacing 5e9 Arts2 { # 1. General #----------- INCLUDE "hirs_general.arts" # 2. Spectroscopy #---------------- INCLUDE "hirs_spectroscopy.arts" # hitran separate because one might want to use a lookup table INCLUDE "hirs_hitran.arts" # 3. Sensor: #----------- INCLUDE "hirs_sensor_common.arts" INCLUDE "hirs_sensor_reference.arts" # Compact line list, to kick out lines that are outside there # cutoff range for all frequencies. abs_lines_per_speciesCompact # If there was a method to convert abs_lines_per_species back to # abs_lines, then we could do that, and save that file. The only # problem is, though, that the lines to include are not exactly the same # for all the different versions of the HIRS sensor. Thus, one would # also have to perform a merge of all the different resulting line # lists. :-( }