# Right now used more for notes, than TODO 2012-02-21 Is PTILTMAX needed (found in ppath.h)? 2012-02-21, Patrick Add sinefit weighting functions. 2012-02-21, Patrick Fix bug for mc_antenna (azimuth distance varies with za) 2012-02-20, Patrick Revise AUG with respect to cganges around ppath. Remove r_geoid from code. And make sure that it is not mentioned in AUG. 2012-02-20 Regarding Doppler: Update AUG Information in methods.cc correct? Add Doppler shift also to emission/Planck? 2012-02-15, Patrick Include tilt when checking cloudbox limit. 2012-02-08, Patrick Revise surface tilt and calculation of specular direction. 2012-02-08, Patrick Revise usage of sensor_response_agenda, and resolve yCalc/yCalc2. 2012-02-08, Patrick Make function for HSE general and using lat_true. Update TestGbased.arts 2011-07-13, Patrick Make a WSV out of the epsilon that is GIN for doit_conv_flagAbs. And use this in the iyInterpCloudboxField-methods to set a correct error. Note that epsilon can be defined both in radiance and Tb. Probably best to remove doit_conv_flagAbsTb and instead making a WSM to convert epsilon from Tb to radiance (using the newly added rayjean function). As far as I understand, DOIT assumes that emission is always given as W/m3/Hz/sr. The question is then if DOIT shall use emission_agenda, as there is no flexibility in selecting the source term. 2011-07-15, Patrick Maybe MC and DOIT could use some of the more general functions developed for FOS and BL-scat. For example, mirror_los should be of general interest.