%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: init % % Initiliaze the ARTS Matlab interface (AMI). % % FORMAT: init % % RETURN: - % IN: - %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 12.04.00 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function init %=== Extend the Matlab search path to include the AMI dirs. %=== It is assumed that this script is executed in the top AMI dir addpath([pwd,'/arts']); addpath([pwd,'/file']); addpath([pwd,'/hmatrix']); addpath([pwd,'/math']); addpath([pwd,'/path']); addpath([pwd,'/physics']); addpath([pwd,'/plot']); addpath([pwd,'/retrieval']); %=== Copy the file src/wsv.txt to ami eval('!cp ../src/wsv.txt arts'); %=== Define global physical constants % % To use the constants, type in the script for example: % global EARTH_RADIUS % global EARTH_RADIUS RAD2DEG DEG2RAD PLANCK_CONST SPEED_OF_LIGHT global BOLTZMAN_CONST AVOGADROS_NUMB COSMIC_BG_TEMP SUN_TEMP global NAT_LOG_2 ATM2HPA % EARTH_RADIUS = 6.378e6; RAD2DEG = 57.29577951308232; DEG2RAD = 0.01745329251994; PLANCK_CONST = 6.626180e-34; SPEED_OF_LIGHT = 2.99792458e8; BOLTZMAN_CONST = 1.380662e-23; AVOGADROS_NUMB = 6.0220450e26; COSMIC_BG_TEMP = 2.735; SUN_TEMP = 6000.0; NAT_LOG_2 = 0.69314718055994; ATM2HPA = 1.01325e3;