function aii_file_exists, filename ;; checks whether the file filename exists and returns 1 for yes and 0 ;; for no YES = 1 NO = 0 get_lun,unit openr,unit,filename,error=err free_lun,unit if (err ne 0) then return,NO $ else return,YES end PRO aii_readfile,filename,output ;; checks whether the is file present by using aii_file_exists, ;; compressed, or gzipped, and reads it if possible by using ;; read_datafile into output variable ;; do we have to uncompress? com=-1 ;; uncompressed if aii_file_exists(filename) then begin filename = filename com = 0 endif ;; compressed if aii_file_exists(filename+'.Z') then begin filename = filename+'.Z' com = 1 endif ;; gzipped if aii_file_exists(filename+'.gz') then begin filename = filename+'.gz' com = 1 endif ;; file not found if com eq -1 then begin print,'Error: File not found: '+filename stop endif ; read the file if ( com ) then begin dummyname = './'+filename+'' print,' decompressing...' spawn,'zcat '+filename+' > '+dummyname ; read in from dummyname output=read_datafile(dummyname, /optimize) ;remove the dummy matrix file spawn,'rm '+dummyname endif else begin ; read in from filename output=read_datafile(filename, /optimize) endelse end Function aii_where_str,str1,str2,dim ;; similar to where, but works for string array str1 and str2 ;; ;; returns -1 if not found, otherwise the index of str1 where entries ;; of str2 were found ;; size of str1, str2 ns1=(size(str1,/dime))[0] ns2=(size(str2,/dime))[0] ;; allocate an int array, resize it later to dim x=intarr(ns1) dim=0 ;; now loop the 2 arrays for i=0,ns1-1 do begin for j=0,ns2-1 do begin if str1[i] eq str2[j] then begin x[dim]=i dim=dim+1 endif endfor endfor ;; now resize and return if dim eq 0 then x=-1 else x=x[0:dim-1] return, x end PRO plot_abs_per_tg, jobname, f, abs, alt, altitude=altitude,read=read,$ epsfile=epsfile,psfile=psfile,$ add_to_title=add_to_title,$ avoid_tg=avoid_tg,color=color,cm=cm,$ xrange=xrange,yrange=yrange,$ nostamp=nostamp ;; reads an arts abs_per_tg file, frequency file, and altitude file , ;; and plots the different tag group absorption, the tag groups are ;; identified by reading the arts controlfile. procedure does not plot ;; zero absorption of tag groups. Procedure can handle compressed and ;; gzipped files without uncompressing them. ;; ;; INPUT: ;; jobname : jobname of calculation ;; ;; OUTPUT: (only needed to use the read keyword) ;; f : frequency grid ;; abs : altitude per tag group ;; alt : altitude grid ;; ;; KEYWORDS: ;; altitude : double-make abs plot near that altitude, ;; default: 25 km ;; read : int-do not read the f, abs, alt again ;; epsfile : string-name of eps file to generate ;; psfile : string-name of ps file to generate ;; add_to_title : string-is added to default title ;; avoid_tg : array of strings-which tag groups to plot ;; color : int-make color plot (actually always color) ;; cm : int-use cm^-1 instead of GHz ;; xrange : array of double-plot range, considers cm^-1 setting ;; yrange : array of double-plot range ;; nostamp : int-produce no stamp info on output ;; ;; HISTORY: ;; 2001-01-25 : Created Ave ;; ;; read the tag groups from controlfile read_tag_groups,jobname+'.arts','tgsDefine',tg ;; total number of tag groups tot_tg= (size(tg,/DIMENSIONS))[0] ;; now reads the absorption per tag, and the altitudes and ;; frequencies, only ascii arrays are allowed currently if not keyword_set(read) then begin print,'Reading data...' aii_readfile,jobname+'.f_mono.aa',f aii_readfile,jobname+'.abs_per_tg.aa',abs aii_readfile,jobname+'.z_abs.aa',alt endif ;; check that the tag groups and the absoprtion per tag group have the ;; same dimension if n_tags(abs) ne tot_tg then begin print,'Error: absorption per tag group and tag goups have not' print,' the same dimension' stop endif ;; altitude if not given about 25 km if not keyword_set(altitude) then begin altitude = (where(alt gt 25000))[0] endif else begin altitude = (where(alt gt altitude))[0] endelse ;; rearrange the absorption and tag groups according to their ;; absorption magnitude, and get max and min values for plot range sort_abs,abs,tg,altitude,abs1,tg1,max_arr,min_arr ;; are certain tag groups selected or should all be plotted? ;; we use min_arr values of zero for avoiding if keyword_set(avoid_tg) then begin avoid_tg_in = aii_where_str(tg1,avoid_tg,dim) if dim eq 0 then begin print,'Error: No matching avoid_tg found.' endif else begin min_arr[avoid_tg_in] = 0 endelse endif ;; plot range if keyword_set(cm) then begin unit=30.0 unitstr='[cm!u-1!n]' endif else begin unit=1.0 unitstr='[GHz]' endelse if not keyword_set(yrange) then $ yrange=[min( min_arr(where(min_arr ne 0)))/10.0,max(max_arr)*10.0] if not keyword_set(xrange) then $ xrange=[min(f/1E9/unit),max(f/1E9/unit)] ;; make 2 plots, one with the legend, the other one with the data ;; check for eps output if keyword_set(epsfile) then begin if (strlen( strcompress(strtrim(epsfile,2)) ) ne 1) then filename = epsfile $ else filename=jobname ps=2 endif else begin if keyword_set(psfile) then begin if (strlen( strcompress(strtrim(psfile,2)) ) ne 1) then filename = psfile $ else filename=jobname ps=1 endif else begin filename=jobname ps=0 endelse endelse ;; check for color output? -> always use colors if not keyword_set(color) then color=1 ;; use prologue and epilogue to produce output ;; save settings P_ini = !P aii_prologue_l, color=color, ps=ps, filename, ls, thick ;; create color and lineshape arrays colors=intarr(tot_tg) ls=intarr(tot_tg) for i=0,tot_tg-1 do begin colors[i] = i mod 29 ;; we have 29 different colors in mycolor ls[i] = i mod 5 ;; we have 5 different lineshapes endfor ;; data plot !P.multi=[0,2,1] !X.margin = [2,-10] !Y.margin = [4,4] ;; add to title string if not keyword_set(add_to_title) then add_to_title='' ;; plot in units of GHz or cm^-1 plot,f/1E9/unit,abs1.mat0[altitude,*],yrange=yrange,ytype=1,$ title='Absorption: '$ +string(alt[altitude]/1000.0,format='(F6.2)')+' km'+add_to_title,$ xrange=xrange,xtitle='Frequency '+unitstr,$ ytitle='Absorption [1/m]',$ color=colors[0],linestyle=ls[0],thick=thick,$ xstyle=1,ystyle=1,/nodata;;,charsize=0.7*!P.charsize index=0 ;; count only the ones we plot nozeros=where(min_arr ne 0) for j=0,tot_tg-1 do begin ;; check that this absorption tag group is not zero dum=where(nozeros eq j,count) if count eq 1 then begin s1='oplot, f/1E9/unit, abs1.mat'+string(j,format='(I0)')+$ '[altitude,*],linestyle='+string(ls[index],format='(I0)')+$ ', color='+string(colors[index],format='(I0)')+', thick=2*thick' index=index+1 r1 = execute(s1) endif else begin print,'Avoided or found absorption is zero, no plotting: ',tg1[j] endelse endfor ;; legend plot !X.margin = [-20,0] !Y.margin = [4,4] plot,[0,0],xstyle=4,ystyle=4,/nodata,/noerase,/noclip aii_klegend_d,tg1[where(min_arr ne 0)],/fill,box=0,$ usersym=usersym,charsize=1.1*!P.charsize,spacing=3.2,$ psym=intarr(index),colors=colors[0:index-1],$ line=ls[0:index-1],position=[0.6,0.5+index*0.03], $ thick=2*thick ;,textcolors=colors !P.multi=0 ;; close file/plot aii_epilogue, filename, ps, nostamp=keyword_set(nostamp) ;; restore settings P_ini = !P end