VARIABLE : lines DATA TYPE: ArrayOfLineRecord DESCRIPTION: A list of spectral line data. VARIABLE : lines_per_tg DATA TYPE: ArrayOfArrayOfLineRecord DESCRIPTION: A list of spectral line data for each tag. Dimensions: (tag_groups.nelem()) (# of lines for this tag) VARIABLE : tgs DATA TYPE: TagGroups DESCRIPTION: This is an array of arrays of OneTag tag definitions. It defines the available tag groups for the calculation of absorption coefficients and weighting functions. Contrary to the original Bredbeck definition, tags within a group must belong to the same species, because one VMR profile is associated with each tag group. VARIABLE : wfs_tgs DATA TYPE: TagGroups DESCRIPTION: This is an array of arrays of tag group definitions. It defines the tag groups for the calculation of weighting functions. The selected tag groups must be a subgroup of the tag groups defined for the absorption coefficient calculation. VARIABLE : lineshape DATA TYPE: ArrayOfLineshapeSpec DESCRIPTION: Lineshape specification: function, norm, cutoff. There is one entry for each abs_tag, not for each species. This means if you have several abs_tags for different isotopes or transitions of a species, you may use different lineshapes. VARIABLE : cont_description_names DATA TYPE: ArrayOfString DESCRIPTION: Continuum model names. This variable should contain a list of names of continuum models. Associated with this WSV is the WSV `cont_description_parameters' which should contain continuum parameters for each model. Allowed models currently are: H2O-ContStandardSelf: Self component of a simple empirical continuum model a la Liebe/Rosenkranz. Needs two parameters. H2O-ContStandardForeign: Foreign component of a simple empirical continuum model a la Liebe/Rosenkranz. Needs two parameters. VARIABLE : cont_description_parameters DATA TYPE: ArrayOfVector DESCRIPTION: Continuum model parameters. See the WSV `cont_description_names' for a detailed description of the allowed continuum models. There should be one parameter vector here for each entry in `cont_description_names'. VARIABLE : raw_ptz DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: Matrix has rows: 1. Pressure in Pa 2. Temperature in K 3. Altitude in m VARIABLE : raw_vmrs DATA TYPE: ArrayOfMatrix DESCRIPTION: The individual VMR profiles. Each species VMR profile comes with a pressure profile. The different species can hence be on different grids. The matrix has rows: 1. Pressure in Pa 2. VMR profile (absolute number) The array dimension is determined by the number of tag groups. VARIABLE : p_abs DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The pressure grid for the absorption coefficients [Pa]. This is the basic independent grid for the absorption calculation, both in the 1D and 2D case. Therefore it remains a vector, even in 2D. The "raw" atmospheric data shall be interpolated to p_abs before the absorption calculations starts. VARIABLE : f_mono DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The monochromatic frequency grid [Hz]. VARIABLE : t_abs DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: Temperature associated with the pressures in p_abs [K] VARIABLE : z_abs DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: Vertical altitudes associated with the pressures in p_abs [m] VARIABLE : h2o_abs DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The total water profile associated with the pressures in p_abs [-] VARIABLE : n2_abs DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The total nitrogen profile associated with the pressures in p_abs [-] VARIABLE : vmrs DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: The VMRs (unit: absolute number) on the p_abs grid. Dimensions: [tag_groups.nelem(), p_abs.nelem()] VARIABLE : abs DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: The matrix of absorption coefficients (in units of [1/m]). Dimensions: [f_mono.nelem(), p_abs.nelem()] VARIABLE : abs_per_tg DATA TYPE: ArrayOfMatrix DESCRIPTION: These are the absorption coefficients individually for each tag group. The Array contains one matrix for each tag group, the matrix format is the same as that of abs VARIABLE : xsec_per_tg DATA TYPE: ArrayOfMatrix DESCRIPTION: These are the cross sections individually for each tag group. The Array contains one matrix for each tag group, the matrix format is the same as that of abs VARIABLE : hse DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: This vector holds the parameters for calculating hydrostatic equilibrium (HSE). The length of the vector is either 1 or 5, where the values are: 1: On/off flag. 0 = ignore HSE, 1 = consider HSE. 2: The pressure of the reference point [Pa]. 3: The altitude of the reference point [m]. 4: Gravitational acceleration at the geoid surface [m/s2]. 5: Number of iterations of the calculations. If the on/off flag is set to 1, the length of the vector must be 5, while if the flag is 0 a length of 1 is OK. VARIABLE : emission DATA TYPE: Index DESCRIPTION: Boolean to include emssion in the calculation of spectra. If this variable is set to 0 (zero) pure transmission calculations will be simulated and, for example, yCalc will give optical thicknesses instead of radiation intensities. VARIABLE : za_pencil DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: Pencil beam zenith angle grid [deg]. The observation direction is specified by the angle between zenith and the LOS. VARIABLE : z_tan DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: Tangent altitude for each spectrum [m]. These tangent altitudes include the effect of refraction (if set). In the case of a ground intersection, a geometrical prolongation below the ground is applied to determine the tangent altitude. For upward observations where there are no tangent altitudes, *z_tan* is set to 999 km. It should be noted that the LOS calculations take *za_pencil* as input, not *z_tan*. However, *za_pencil* can be calculated from *z_tan* by the function *zaFromZtan*. VARIABLE : z_plat DATA TYPE: Numeric DESCRIPTION: Vertical altitude, above the geiod, of the observation platform [m]. VARIABLE : l_step DATA TYPE: Numeric DESCRIPTION: The maximum length, along the LOS, between the points of LOS [m]. The final step length will in most cases equal the selected length. There are two rare exceptions: 1. Downward observations from within the atmosphere, where the step length is adjusted downwards to get an integer number of steps between the sensor and the tangent or ground point. 2. Limb sounding and the distance from the tangent point to the atmospheric limit (the highest absorption altitude) is smaller the selected length. The length is then adjusted to this distance VARIABLE : refr DATA TYPE: Index DESCRIPTION: Boolean for inclusion of refraction (0=no refraction, 1=refraction). VARIABLE : refr_lfac DATA TYPE: Index DESCRIPTION: This factor determines the step length used during the ray tracing performed when considering refraction. The step length applied is *l_step* divided by *refr_lfac*. Accordingly, this factor gives how many ray tracing steps that are performed for each step of the LOS. VARIABLE : refr_model DATA TYPE: String DESCRIPTION: A string giving what parameterization to use for the calculation of refractive index. See *refrCalc* for existing choices. VARIABLE : refr_index DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The refractive index at the pressure levels in p_abs [-]. VARIABLE : r_geoid DATA TYPE: Numeric DESCRIPTION: The local curvature radius of the geoid along the LOS [m]. VARIABLE : z_ground DATA TYPE: Numeric DESCRIPTION: The vertical altitude above the geiod of the ground [m]. VARIABLE : t_ground DATA TYPE: Numeric DESCRIPTION: The physical temperature of the ground [K]. VARIABLE : e_ground DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The ground emission factor for the frequencies in f_mono [0-1]. VARIABLE : los DATA TYPE: Los DESCRIPTION: Structure to define the line of sight (LOS). See los.h for definition of the structure. VARIABLE : source DATA TYPE: ArrayOfMatrix DESCRIPTION: Mean source function between the points of the LOS. VARIABLE : trans DATA TYPE: ArrayOfMatrix DESCRIPTION: The transmissions between the points of the LOS [-]. VARIABLE : y_space DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: Radiation entering the atmosphere at the top of the atmosphere, typically cosmic background radiation. This variable is most easily set by the function *y_spaceStd*. VARIABLE : y DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: The working set of spectra. The spectra from the different zenith angles are appended to form *y*. VARIABLE : y0 DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: A reference spectrum. This variable can be used e.g. to save a copy of *y* or to compare the spectra before and after some operation(s). VARIABLE : absloswfs DATA TYPE: ArrayOfMatrix DESCRIPTION: Line of sight weighting functions. See AUG for definition of this quantity. VARIABLE : k_grid DATA TYPE: Vector DESCRIPTION: Retrieval grid to be used in calculation of weighting functions (WFs) For example, *k_grid* is the pressure altitude grid for species WFs. Not all WFs need 'k_grid* as input. VARIABLE : k DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: The weighting functions (WFs) for a single retrieval/error group. VARIABLE : k_names DATA TYPE: ArrayOfString DESCRIPTION: Names of the retrieval identies in *k*. VARIABLE : k_aux DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary data for *k*. The number of rows of this matrix equals the length of the state vector for the retrieval group (the number of columns of k). The columns hold different quantities: Col 1: retrieval grid (or correspondingly) Col 2: a priori values VARIABLE : kx DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: The state weighting function matrix. VARIABLE : kx_names DATA TYPE: ArrayOfString DESCRIPTION: Names of the retrieval identities in *kx*. VARIABLE : kx_lengths DATA TYPE: ArrayOfIndex DESCRIPTION: The length of the state vector for each retrieval identity in *kx*. VARIABLE : kx_aux DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary data for *kx*. As *k_aux* but with the data of the different retrieval groups appended vertically. VARIABLE : kb DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: The model parameters weighting function matrix. VARIABLE : kb_names DATA TYPE: ArrayOfString DESCRIPTION: Names of the model parameter identities in *kb*. VARIABLE : kb_lengths DATA TYPE: ArrayOfIndex DESCRIPTION: The length of the model vector for each retrieval identity in *kb*. VARIABLE : kb_aux DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: Auxiliary data for *kb*. As *k_aux* but with the data of the different forward model groups appended vertically. VARIABLE : batchname DATA TYPE: String DESCRIPTION: Default basename for batch data. VARIABLE : ybatch DATA TYPE: Matrix DESCRIPTION: A batch of spectra. The spectra are stored as columns in a matrix