%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: hAntennaFromFile % % Includes an antenna pattern, specified in a file, into H. % The antenna file shall have ARTS format, be a 2 column matrix % where column 1 is (relative) zenith angles and column 2 % antenna pattern values. % The response of the antenna pattern is normalised and the % antenna values do not need to be normalised. % % FORMAT: [H,f_y,za_y,za_sensor] = hAntennaFromFile(H,f_sensor,za_sensor, % za_obs,filename,o_ant,y_ant) % % RETURN: H H matrix after antenna % f_y new frequency vector % za_y new zenith angle vector % za_sensor new zenith angles, set to ZA_OBS % IN: H H matrix before the antenna % f_sensor frequencies % za_sensor input zenith angles % za_obs zenith angles observed by the sensor % filename name on file with antenna specification % o_ant linear (=1) or cubic (=3) treatment of the antenna % pattern % o_y linear (=1) or cubic (=3) treatment of spectra %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 00.08.25 Created by Patrick Eriksson. % 00.11.16 Included linear/cubic flags (PE) function [H,f_y,za_y,za_sensor] = ... hAntennaFromFile(H,f_sensor,za_sensor,za_obs,filename,o_ant,o_y) [H,f_y,za_y,za_sensor] = ... hAntennaFromFileAdv(H,f_sensor,za_sensor,za_obs,filename,o_ant,o_y,0,0,0,0);