SAB 2000-01-30: Oliver: Turn off all debugging options with ./configure flag. (Do not give the -g flag to the compiler, set NDEBUG.) AvE 2000-08-22: Check that partition funciton coefficients are valid, some species are not defined, nevertheless a dummy partition function coefficient is given. check that the returned value of the partition function (NOT the ratio) is larger than zero after calling. AvE 04.09.2000: Agnes Perrin mentioned that the simple scheme to calculate partition functions at different temperature is accurate enough, so one should actually perfom an accuracy check. simple scheme: Q_rot(T')=Q_rot(T)*(T'/T)**1.5 for non linear molecule and Q_rot(T')=Q_rot(T)*(T'/T) for a linear molecule This way might be more efficient timewise. AvE 2000-09-27: There is optimization potential in the file, read FIXME comments over there. SAB 2000-11-08: Send information about ARTS to Gerald Nedolua for destribution to NDSC. SAB 2000-11-10: Adapt sample control file in user guide to new method and WSV names. SAB 2000-12-04: Make WSV groups ( and Token types (token.h, consistent. (Do this after online doc in is updated to avoid conflicts when people check in.) AvE 2001-04-03: I just tried to run some calculations with arts and the new hitran 2000 edition, and of course, ran into problems. I did update arts a bit with the new hitran species, but just had to find out that more has changed. For example Hitran has now more H2O isotopes. Somebody has to update arts to the 2000 edition. SAB 2001-09-18: Thomas, please move cloud water vapor saturation adjustment out of AtmFromRaw1D as soon as possible. Make a standalone method out of this. Use only lowercase letters for keywords, to be consistent with other methods. SAB 2001-09-18: Thomas, please rename seltags to seltgs. Tgs means "tag groups", not "tags". (Each element of seltgs is a tag group, consisting of one or more tags.) PE 2001-09-19: All: WRITE GOOD AND DETAILED ON-LINE INFORMATION. PE 2001-09-19: All: The consistency of function input should be checked. I will make some functions to faciliate this. PE 2001-09-19: All: remove old pieces of code in the files that no longer is of any interest. OLE 2001-09-21: Make the HDF part optional. Let the configure script determine whether HDF is installed or not and depending on that include the binary methods. To make this more convient all HDF related functions should be moved into a separate source file. SAB 2001-09-24: Thomas: Please put in detailed online documentation for cont_description_names. SAB 2001-09-24: Automatically remove WSVs that are no longer needed. (Do this after the workshop, though, seems to be not too urgent.) SAB 2001-09-24: After the workshop, implement a new ASCII output format. Think about consistant naming of methods. Don't forget los, lines, lines_per_tg, and raw_vmrs read/write. SAB 2001-09-25: Rename Array to TagGroup and Array< Array > to ArrayOfTagGroup. (After update of online docs, to avoid conflicts.) SAB 2001-09-25: Thomas: Write doxygen header for function interpp_cloud in file PE 2001-09-26: Change batchname to be a keyword input to ybatchCalc when revising this function. PE 2001-09-26: Go through (I have done this for "my" variables). PE 2001-09-26: Shall the few remaining rand functions be removed? STR 2001-09-26: Some points pointed out by Stefan. 1. Description of Scheme for tag groups as given in Bredbeck proceedings-I to be included in the user guide 2. in function tgsDefine, rename keyword tags to tgs 3. Include definition of continuum tags in online documentation PE 2001-09-26: The WSV h20_abs, n2_abs ... shall be removed. PE 2001-09-26: The variable *vmrs* shall also be reduced along with *abs_per_tgs*.