# Absorption VectorLinSpace (z_abs) { start = 0 stop = 100e3 step = 500 } VectorNLogSpace (p_abs) { start = 1.013300e+05 stop = 3.206078e-02 n = 201 } VectorReadFromFile (t_abs) {""} VectorReadFromFile (f_abs) {""} MatrixReadFromFile (abs) {""} # Refraction IntSet (refr) { 0 } NumericSet (l_step_refr) { 1.0e3 } VectorSet (refr_index) { length = 201 value = 1.0 } # The ground NumericSet (z_ground) { 0.0e3 } NumericSet (t_ground) { 290.0 } VectorSet (e_ground) { length = 1164 value = 0.5 } # Observation geometry NumericSet (z_plat) { 20e3 } VectorSet (view1) { length = 1 value = 45 } NumericSet (l_step) { 0.5e3 } # Cosmic radiation y_spaceStd{0} #y_spacePlanck{300} # Line of sight (LOS) los1d{} # A function assuming no refraction #los1dNoRefraction{} # A function assuming no refraction and no ground intersection #los1dUpward{} source1d{} trans1d{} # Calculate and save spectra yRte{} #yRteNoGround{} #yBl{} #yBlNoGround{} VectorWriteToFile(y){""} # Calculate species weighting function matrx and save klos1d{} VectorNLogSpace (k_grid) { start = 1.013300e+05 stop = 3.206078e-02 n = 100 } kSpecies1d{} MatrixWriteToFile(k){""}