SAB 2000-01-17: Change copyright to FSF. SAB 2000-01-30: Turn off all debugging options with ./configure flag. (Do not give the -g flag to the compiler, set NDEBUG.) SAB 2000-03-27: Add an author field to MdRecord? SAB 2000-06-17: Change interpolation in absorption part to interpp. SAB 2000-08-10: Change define_wsv_data, etc. to be default constructors. That way, we don't have to call them explicitly. SAB 2000-08-16: - Implement abs_tags and wf_tags, also abs_tagsDefine and wf_tagsDefine. - Change absComp to return absorption matrices only for wf_tags SAB 2000-08-21: Some ideas for absorption: - Method lines_per_tgAddMirrorLines Adds mirror lines for those transitions for which the calculation frequency would be inside the cutoff. Requires the lineshapes and the frequency grid as input. This would remove the need for a special implementation of the VVW line shape, only Lorentz-type lineshape would be needed. - Method lines_per_tgRemoveOutsideCutoff Remove all lines which would not contribute anything due to lineshape frequency cutoff. Saves unnecessary calls to lineshape function, which would only return 0. Needs lineshapes and frequency grid as input. - Should it be enforced that the frequency grid is sorted? If not, this must be done by the above methods. - Make a method to set the lineshape functions. (All the rest is already there!) SAB 2000-08-21: Give a nice error message if control file does not exist! (At the moment it just says `abgebrochen') AvE 2000-08-22: Check that partition funciton coefficients are valid, some species are not defined, nevertheless a dummy partition function coefficient is given. check that the returned value of the partition function (NOT the ratio) is larger than zero after calling. AvE 04.09.2000: Agnes Perrin mentioned that the simple scheme to calculate partition functions at different temperature is accurate enough, so one should actually perfom an accuracy check. simple scheme: Q_rot(T')=Q_rot(T)*(T'/T)**1.5 for non linear molecule and Q_rot(T')=Q_rot)*(T'/T) for a linear molecule This way might be more efficient timewise. SAB 2000-09-13: Remove `1D' from WSV names. SAB 2000-09-13: Change names of automatically generated files to _auto...