%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: h_fix_ys % % Returns the frequency and zenith angles vectors for the cases % where the frequency grid is the same for all angles. % This shall always be the case for the absorption and sensor % parts, but not always true after data reduction. % % FORMAT: [f_y,za_y] = h_fix_ys(f_sensor,za_sensor) % % RETURN: f_y frequency vector % za_y zenith angle vector % IN: f_sensor sensor frequencies % za_sensor sensor zenith angles %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 25.08.00 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function [f_y,za_y] = h_fix_ys(f_sensor,za_sensor) %=== Vector lenghts nf = length(f_sensor); nza = length(za_sensor); %=== Allocate F_Y and ZA_Y f_y = zeros(nf*nza,1); za_y = zeros(nf*nza,1); %=== Fill F_Y and ZA_Y % (This is not the most efficient Matlab solution, but it fits a future % implementation in ARTS.) for i = 1:nza for j = 1:nf ind = (i-1)*nf+j; f_y(ind) = f_sensor(j); za_y(ind) = za_sensor(i); end end