2000-04-04 Stefan Buehler * arts-0.0.9 * Added method losTest just to see if we can access los. This does not initialize los, just change the value. For a real method, this would be very bad style, it should re-set los completely, unless los is also specified as INPUT variable in methods.cc. * arts-0.0.8 * Added workspace variable group Los and workspace variable los on Patrick's request. The declaration of Los is now in file workspace.h, but it could be moved somewhere else in the future. * arts-0.0.7 * parser.cc: In void read_name(string& name, SourceText& text): Changed isalpha to isalnum, so that names may now also include numbers. This was a request of Patrick. I don't remember if I had a good reason to allow only alphabetic characters and underscores. Let's just see if we get any problems with this. * arts-0.0.6 * Quickly implemented NumericSet for Patrick * workspace.h: - Added Numeric_ in WsvGroup - Changed N_WSV_GROUPS to 3 - Added Numeric dummy to class WorkSpace - Added virtual operator Numeric*() { safety(); return NULL; }; in class WsvP * notes.txt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The last point above was missing in notes.txt. I have added it now. Sorry for that. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * workspace.cc: - Added: wsv_group_names.push_back("Numeric"); - Added: { static WsvPointer p(&workspace.dummy); wsv_data.push_back (WsvRecord ("dummy", "This is just to test Numeric WSVs.", Numeric_, &p)); } * methods.cc: - Added: md_data.push_back ( MdRecord ( NAME("NumericSet"), DESCRIPTION("Sets a workspace variable of type Numeric to a value."), OUTPUT(), INPUT(), GOUTPUT(Numeric_), GINPUT(), KEYWORDS("value"), TYPES(num_))); * m_io.cc: - Added the implementation of NumericSet 2000-03-30 Stefan Buehler * arts-0.0.5 * ARTS has now the following methods: AllAbsExample VectorWriteToFile MatrixWriteToFile VectorWriteToNamedFile MatrixWriteToNamedFile VectorReadFromFile MatrixReadFromFile which all do the obvious. Parsing and executing of methods seems to work, but yet has to be tested for a wider variety of methods. Also, the executor already checks if all input workspace data is present, before it executes a method. * Added some more HowTos in file src/notes.txt 2000-03-29 Stefan Buehler * arts-0.0.4 * Now we can parse and execute specific and generic methods. However, I want to re-structure the method lookup data (add explicit fields for generic I/O, so that a method can have both generic and specific I/O). So this commit is mainly to save the state of the work before I start with this complicated task. 2000-03-24 Stefan Buehler * arts-0.0.3. * Arts can now parse specific (i.e., not generic) methods. There so far is only a single method, AllAbsExample, which sets the absorption parameters. * arts-0.0.2. * make_md_h.cc: Added. * math_funcs.h: Added. * math_funcs.cc: Added. * absorption.cc: Added. 2000-03-14 Stefan Buehler * This file contains SAB 14.03.2000. * arts-0.0.1. * .cvsignore files added everywhere. * Started this file, the Arts history. ALWAYS add a note to this file, no matter how small your change. Also, always update the running version number. Newest change log entries first! You can very easily add an entry with emacs by typing either M-x add-change-log-entry or C-x 4 a. Remark about version numbers: Arts has a 3 digit version number, like for example Arts 1.2.3. For user releases the third digit is zero. The first two digits are set in configure.in. Update these only when you cut a user release. In that case you also have to set the third digit to zero. The third digit is set in src/version.cc. Always update this, no matter how small your change!