Doxygen Utilities

Creating Function Comments

Command: doxygen-insert-comment
doxygen-insert-comment inserts a comment block at point, placing the cursor inside.



Command: doxygen-insert-function-comment
doxygen-insert-function-comment inserts a comment block for the function whose declaration is on the line with point. The comment block includes \param lines for each function argument, and if the function has a return value, a \return line is also included. The cursor is placed inside the comment.

For example, running doxygen-insert-function-comment on the function

int add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

generates the comment block


   \param a
   \param b

Command: doxygen-insert-member-group-region start end
doxygen-insert-member-group-region adds the appropriate comments to make the current region a member group. For example, given a region containing

    foo = 1,

(part of an enum), doxygen-insert-member-group-region generates

    foo = 1,

Command: doxygen-insert-compound-comment
doxygen-insert-compound-comment inserts a right margin Doxygen "compound" comment (indented using the current mode's value of comment-column) on the current line. For example, using this command on the definition of foo in

enum {
    foo = 1


enum {
    foo = 1                                  //!< 

with the point immediately after the comment.

Creating File-level Comments

Command: doxygen-insert-file-comment
doxygen-insert-file-comment inserts a comment-block containing information about the current file. The filename, author, and date are generated based on current values on the system.

  \file   foo.c

  \author Tom Emerson
  \date   2000-07-10

User-Settable Options

User Option: doxygen-date-format
doxygen-date-format is a format-time-string format string used to format dates used with the Doxygen \date directive.

This document was generated on 10 July 2000 using the texi2html translator version 1.51.