%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: hBackendGauss % % Includes into H a backend with Gaussian channel responses. % All channels are assumed to have the same response. % The response of the channels is normalised and the % response values do not need to be normalised. % % FORMAT: [H,f_y,za_y,f_sensor] = hBackendGauss(H,f_sensor,za_sensor, % f_centre,fwhm,width,spacing,o_ch,o_y) % % RETURN: H H matrix after backend % f_y new frequency vector % za_y new zenith angle vector % f_sensor new frequency grid % IN: H H matrix before the backend % f_sensor input frequency grid % za_sensor zenith angles % f_centre centre frequencies of the channels % fwhm full width at half mean of the channel response [Hz] % width the (total) width of the response to consider [Hz] % spacing maximum spacing of the abscissa to use for the % channel response [Hz] % o_ch linear (=1) or cubic (=3) treatment of the channel % response % o_y linear (=1) or cubic (=3) treatment of spectra %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 00.08.25 Created by Patrick Eriksson. % 00.11.16 Included linear/cubic flags (PE) % 02.01.04 Moved calculation of response to dedicated function (PE) function [H,f_y,za_y,f_sensor] = ... hBackendGauss(H,f_sensor,za_sensor,f_centre,fwhm,width,spacing,o_ch,o_y) %=== Create a gaussian response % % width and spacing must be converted to "standard deviations" % si = fwhm/sqrt(2*log(2))/2; % width = width / si; spacing = si / spacing; % [f_back,back] = gaussian_response( fwhm, width, spacing ); %=== Get H for the backend [Hback,f_sensor] = h_backend(f_sensor,f_centre,za_sensor,f_back,back,o_ch,o_y); %=== Include Hback in H H = h_x_h(Hback,H); %=== Create new F_Y and ZA_Y [f_y,za_y] = h_fix_ys(f_sensor,za_sensor);