pro aii_prologue_l, color=color, ps=ps, prog, ls, thick, size=size, nomargin=nomargin ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Standard Prologue for plotting ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- print,'Plotting '+prog+' ...' print,'-----------------------------' ;print,'valid keyword parameters: /color /ps' ;print,'color=1: standard' ;print,'color=2: slide' ;print,'ps=1: postscript' ;print,'ps=2: encapsulated postscript' ;print,'defaults are: no color, x windows' ;print,'' ;----------------------------------------------------- ; ls(i) is the linestyle i > 0 ; thick is the line thickness ; color 0 is black ! ;----------------------------------------------------- ; History: ; SAB 23.01.98 Added keyword size = [xsize,ysize]. ; Default size is as it was. thick = 2.5 ; standard value of thick slidethick = 5. ; value of thick to use for slides ;; this messes up eps plots, thus allow to remove if not keyword_set(nomargin) then begin !x.margin = [7.,2.] !y.margin = [3,2] endif if not keyword_set(size) then begin xsize=26 ysize=19 endif else begin xsize=size[0] ysize=size[1] endelse if keyword_set(ps) then begin thick = thick*2. slidethick = slidethick*2. set_plot,'ps',/interpolate !P.charsize = 2. if (ps NE 2) then begin device,/landscape device,xoffset=1 device,xsize=xsize device,ysize=ysize device,encapsulated=0 end else begin device,/portrait device,xsize=xsize device,ysize=ysize device,xoffset=0 device,/encapsulated end if keyword_set(color) then begin device,/color device,bits=8 if (color EQ 1) then begin if (ps EQ 1) then device,filename=prog+'.cps' $ else device,filename=prog+'.ecps' end else begin if (ps EQ 1) then device,filename=prog+'.fps' $ else device,filename=prog+'.efps' end end else begin ; device,color=0 ;; Make plot still colored! device,/color device,bits=8 if (ps EQ 1) then device,filename=prog+'.ps' $ else device,filename=prog+'.eps' end end else begin set_plot,'x' dummy = !P.color ; make background white !P.color = !P.background !P.background = dummy !P.charsize = 1.12 window,/free,xsize=fix(xsize*30),ysize=fix(ysize*30) end if keyword_set(color) then begin mycolor,slide = color - 1 ls = intarr(31) ls = 0 * ls if (color EQ 2) then thick = slidethick end else begin if keyword_set(ps) then begin ; Still use color! mycolor,slide = color - 1 endif else begin ; Still use color! mycolor,slide = color - 1 endelse lines = indgen(6) ls = [0,lines,lines,lines,lines,lines] end ;; select font if keyword_set(ps) then begin !p.font=0 device,/helvetica device,bold = 0 ; assign fonts !7 to symbol device, /SYMBOL, FONT_INDEX=7 if keyword_set(color) then begin if color EQ 2 then begin device,/bold endif endif endif else begin !p.font = - 1 if keyword_set(color) then begin if color EQ 2 then begin !P.FONT = 17 endif endif endelse ;--------end-of-prologue--------------------------------------------- end