%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: wgs84 % % Calculates a radius of the WGS-84 reference geiod ellipsoid % suitable to use as the geoid radius in a atmospheric forward % model. % % For atmospheres with a spherical symmetry (DIM=1), the % curvature radius at the given latitude(s) is returned. This % radius is the circle radius matching the local shape of the % reference ellipsoid. The equations are taken from the book % by Rodgers (Eqs. 9.27-9.29). % % For atmospherers not assuming a spherical Earth (DIM=2 and % DIM=3), the ellipsoid radius is returned. % % The OBSDIR argument is only a valid input argument for DIM=1. % % The latitude argument can be a vector, while the observation % direction can only be a scalar. % % FORMAT: r = wgs84( dim, lat, obsdir ) % % RETURN: r Geoid radius. % IN: dim Dimension of simulated atmopshere, 1-3. % lat Geocentric latitude % obsdir Azimuth angle to the meridian plane. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 2002-02-08 Created by Patrick Eriksson. % 2002-03-06 Added the DIM argument (PE). function r = wgs84( dim, lat, obsdir ) global DEG2RAD rq = 6378.138e3; rp = 6356.752e3; rq = rq * rq; rp = rp * rp; sv = sin( lat * DEG2RAD ); cv = cos( lat * DEG2RAD ); sv = sv .* sv; cv = cv .* cv; if dim<1 | dim>3 error('Valid values for DIM are 1-3.'); end if dim == 1 if nargin < 3 error('For DIM=1, an azimuth angle must be specified.'); end v = rq*cv + rp*sv; rns = rq * rp * v.^-1.5; rew = rq * v.^-0.5; sv = sin( obsdir * DEG2RAD ); cv = cos( obsdir * DEG2RAD ); r = 1 ./ ( cv*cv./rns + sv*sv./rew ); else if nargin > 2 error('To many input arguments for DIM=2 or DIM=3.'); end r = sqrt( rq*rp ./ ( rq*sv + rp*cv ) ); end