# # A sample control file to exemplify the functionality of # the weighting function for the spectroscopic parameters. # # the output could be: # 1. weighting function for spectro parameters (*.k.aa) # 2. name of the indentities (*.k_names.aa) # 3. uncertainities in absolute (firs column) # and relative values (second column) (*.S_S.aa) # The parameters of all the lines corresponding to one species are # assumed to be correlated, and no intercorrelation between different # spectro parameters or species. # # A quick test of the spectro parameters WFs are obtained by: # # Kb=read_artsvar('wfs_spectro_example','k'); # plot(Kb(:,1); hold on # plot(y,'r'); hold off # # The ASCII file format has been used here and the loading of Kb takes some # time. Use the binary format if you have installed HDF and the reading # and writing are quicker. ### Spectroscopy: ############################################################ tgsDefine { [ "O3", "ClO", "N2", "H2O" ] } wfs_tgsDefine { [ "O3", "ClO" ] } # tags for which the spectro parameters should be calculated wfss_tgsDefine { [ "O3", "ClO" ] } lineshapeDefine { shape = "Voigt_Kuntz6" normalizationfactor = "quadratic" cutoff = -1 } # linesReadFromMytran2 { filename = "@ac_arts_data@/spectroscopy/mytran/mytran98.my2" fmin = 501e9 fmax = 502e9 } lines_per_tgCreateFromLines { } # cont_descriptionInit{ } ### Load an atmosphere ######################################################## MatrixReadAscii (raw_ptz) { "@ac_arts_data@/atmosphere/fascod/midlatitude-winter.tz.aa" } raw_vmrsReadFromScenario { "@ac_arts_data@/atmosphere/fascod/midlatitude-winter" } ### Monochromatic frequency grid ############################################## VectorNLinSpace ( f_mono ) { start = 501.18e+9 stop = 501.58e+9 n = 401 } ### The geoid ################################################################# r_geoidStd{ } ### Vertical profiles ######################################################### VectorNLogSpace ( p_abs ) { start = 1.013300e+05 stop = 0.0914023919463313 n = 101 } AtmFromRaw {} h2o_absSet{ } n2_absSet{ } ### Make sure that hydrostatic equilibrium #################################### hseFromBottom { g0 = 9.81 niter = 2 } hseCalc{ } ### Calculate absorption ###################################################### absCalc { } abs_per_tgReduce { } ### The ground ################################################################ groundSet { z = 1e3 e = 0.9 } ### Observation geometry ###################################################### NumericSet ( z_plat ) { 620e3 } VectorNLinSpace ( za_pencil ) { start = 113 stop = 114.1 n = 11 } VectorWriteAscii ( za_pencil ) { "" } NumericSet ( l_step ) { 20e3 } ### Cosmic radiation ########################################################## y_spaceStd { "cbgr" } ### Refraction ################################################################ refrSet { on = 1 model = "Boudouris" lfac = 4 } refrCalc { } ### Emission ################################################################## emissionOn { } ### Line of sight (LOS) ####################################################### losCalc{ } sourceCalc { } transCalc { } ### Calculate spectra ######################################################### yCalc { } ### Calculate Kx ############################################################## absloswfsCalc{} ### Init ### kbInit{} ### Calculating the weighting function ### # # in this example the weighting function is calculated # for intensity (field set to 1) and agam (fiel set to 1) # kSpectro{ do_intens=1 do_position=0 do_agam = 1 do_sgam = 0 do_nair = 0 do_nself=0 do_pSift=0 } ### Save monochromatic spectra and K ##################################### ### Conversion to different temperature scales ########################### yTRJ{} # To convert Weighting function in the units of Brightness Temperature. MatrixTRJ(k,k){} ### Save spectra ########################################################### VectorWriteAscii( y ) {""} VectorWriteAscii( f_mono ) {""} VectorWriteAscii( za_pencil ) {""} ###Save Weighting function Matrix and indentity names##### MatrixWriteAscii( k ){""} ArrayOfStringWriteAscii(k_names){""} ### Save matrix keeping the error. # These are helpfull for the error analysis. MatrixWriteAscii( S_S ) {""}