; ========================================================================== ; ####################### ARTS IDL INTERFACE PROCEDURE ##################### ; ========================================================================== ; PRO showme, jobname=jobname, $ jobdir=jobdir, $ run=run, $ plotfilename=plotfilename,$ altitude=altitude, $ avoid_tg=avoid_tg ; ;========================================================================== ; ; NAME: ; showme ; PURPOSE: ; provide a simple call routine to plot the absorption per tag group ; EXPLANATION: ; This IDL procedure just calls the procedure ; ; CALLING EXAMPLES: ; showme, jobname='myartscontrolfilename', $ ; jobdir ='~/arts/', $ ; plotfilename='myabsplot' ; showme, jobname='wats_pr1', jobdir='/home/home01/tkuhn/ARTS/' ; ; INPUTS: ; jobname (string) name of the arts job from which the ; output should be displayed ; jobdir (string) directory wher the output of the arts ; job is located ; plotfilename (string) name of the postscript file ; ; OUTPUTS: ; Postscript file with absorption plot. ; ; CALLS: ; plot_abs_per_tg ; ; MODIFICATION HISTORY: ; 04/27/01 TKS alpha version created ; ; ========================================================================== ; ########################################################################## ; ========================================================================== ; close, /all ; ; input control: ; if not keyword_set(jobname) then begin jobname = 'O2a' endif ; if not keyword_set(jobdir) then begin spawn,'pwd', jobdir jobdir='~/PhD/tksthesis/figures/O2/' endif ; if not keyword_set(plotfilename) then begin plotfilename = jobname endif ; if not keyword_set(altitude) then begin selalt = 1.0 endif else begin selalt = altitude endelse if not keyword_set(avoid_tg) then begin avoid_tg = '' endif print, '----------------------------------------------------------' print, 'arts jobname : ',jobname print, 'arts jobdir : ',jobdir print, 'output filename : ',plotfilename ; spawn, 'rm -f '+plotfilename+'.ps' print, ' ' print, 'selected altitude: ',selalt,' km' print, '----------------------------------------------------------' ; ; ========================================================================== ; ########################################################################## ; ========================================================================== ; if not keyword_set(run) then begin print,'possible keywords for run:' print,' > VMR' print,' > ABS' print,' > RT' print,' > TRANS' goto, ende endif if (STRUPCASE(run) EQ 'VMR') then goto, vmrplot if (STRUPCASE(run) EQ 'ABS') then goto, absplot if (STRUPCASE(run) EQ 'RT') then goto, RTplot if (STRUPCASE(run) EQ 'TRANS') then goto, TRAplot ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; vmrplot: pvmrname = plotfilename+'_vmr' plot_vmr_per_tg, jobname=jobname, $ jobdir=jobdir, $ punit='hPa', $ tunit='K', $ yunit='ALTITUDE', $ vmrunit='VMR', $ altunit='km', $ plotxaxis='LOG', $ plotyaxis='LIN', $ yrange=[0.0,15.0], $ plotfilename=plotfilename, $ plotfileformat=1, $ avoid_tg=avoid_tg goto, ende ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- absplot: pabsname = plotfilename+'_abs' plot_abs_per_tg_2, jobname, $ f, $ abs, $ alt, $ altitude=selalt, $ jobdir=jobdir, $ pressure='hPa', $ temperature='K', $ absunit='1/m', $ plotfilename=plotfilename, $ plotfileformat=2, $ plotsum=2, $ plotyaxis='log', $ avoid_tg=avoid_tg ; goto, ende ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RTplot: ; T_B plots plot_RT_1, jobname, $ jobdir=jobdir, $ plotfilename=pabsname, $ plotyaxis='lin' ; goto, ende ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; TRAplot: ; transmission plots plot_trans_1, jobname, $ jobdir=jobdir, $ plotfilename=pabsname, $ yrange=[0.0,15.0] ; ; goto, ende ; ; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ende: close, /all END ; ; ========================================================================== ; ########################################################################## ; ==========================================================================