#DEFINITIONS: -*-sh-*- # # filename: simpleClearSky.arts # # Demonstration of a ARTS clear sky calculation # # Author: Patrick Eriksson Main { # Output file format # --- output_file_formatSetAscii{} # Frequency grid # --- # This example is only monochromatic. Note: The frequency must be contained # in the gas absorption lookup table. IndexSet(nelem){ 1 } VectorSet(f_grid){ value = 230e9 } # Number of Stokes components to be computed # --- IndexSet( stokes_dim ){ value = 1 } # Dimensionality of the atmosphere # - AtmosphereSet1D{} # Pressure grid # --- ReadXML( p_grid ){ "./data/p_grid.xml" } # Definition of species # --- gas_speciesSet{ species = [ "H2O", "N2", "O2"] } # Atmospheric profiles # --- AtmRawRead{ basename = "data/tropical" } # AtmFieldsCalc{} # Gas absorption # --- # Here taken from a lookup table # --- gas_abs_lookupInit{} # ReadXML( gas_abs_lookup ){ "data/gas_abs_lookup.xml" } # gas_abs_lookupAdapt{} # Agendas associated with absorption # --- AgendaSet( scalar_gas_absorption_agenda ){ abs_scalar_gasExtractFromLookup{} } # AgendaSet( emission_agenda ){ emissionPlanck{} } # Definition of Earth surface # --- # spherical geoid r_geoidSpherical{ r = -1 } # Ground altitude (measured from geoid) nrowsGet(r_geoid){} ncolsGet(r_geoid){} MatrixSet( z_surface){ value = 500 } # Surface emissivity AgendaSet(iy_surface_agenda){ InterpAtmFieldToRteGps( surface_skin_t, t_field ){} surfaceFlat{"water-liebe93"} surfaceCalc{} } # Definition of sensor position and LOS # --- IndexSet(nrows){ 1 } IndexSet(ncols){ 1 } MatrixSet(sensor_pos){ value = 600e3 } # sensor_posAddRgeoid{ } # MatrixSet(sensor_los){ value = 114 } # No sensor properties # --- sensorOff{} # No jacobian calaculations # --- jacobianOff{} # No scattering # --- cloudboxOff{} # Agendas for the calculation of propagation paths # --- AgendaSet( refr_index_agenda ) { refr_indexThayer{} } AgendaSet( ppath_step_agenda ) { ppath_stepGeometric{ lmax = 10e3 } } # Agendas for clearsky radiative transfer calculation # --- AgendaSet( iy_space_agenda ){ MatrixCBR( iy, f_grid ){} } # AgendaSet( rte_agenda ){ RteStd{} } # Perform RT calculations # --- RteCalc{} # Convert to RJ brightness temperatures # VectorToTbByRJ( y, y ) {} # Print result Print(y){ level=1 } } # End of Main