Welcome to ARTS. ARTS is free software. Please see the file COPYING for details. If you use data generated by ARTS in a scientific publication, then please mention this and cite the most appropriate of the ARTS publications that are summarized on http://www.sat.uni-bremen.de/arts/docs.php For documentation, please see the files in the doc subdirectory. For building and installation instructions please see the INSTALL file. It is likely that you want to install ARTS under your home directory as a normal user. In this case, if your homedirectory is /home/myself, you should run the configure script like this: ./configure --prefix=/home/myself/local This will install the executable to /home/myself/local/bin and the documentation to /home/myself/local/artsdoc. Of course, you should make sure that /home/myself/local/bin is in your $PATH. If you do not specify a prefix in this manner, ARTS will be installed to /usr/local. See INSTALL file for more details. For some reason, using the `~' to specify the home directory seems not to work in the configure option. There are some ARTS specific configure options: --with-numeric-type=ARG : ARG could be double or float. Double is the default. At the moment, there is no guaranty that ARTS works correctly with float. --with-integer-type=ARG : ARG could be short, int, long or size_t. The default is long. Again, ARTS could fail if you choose a non-default type here. --disable-disort : Don't compile the DISORT scattering module. --enable-more-warnings : Makes gcc complain about everything. --enable-debug : Debug mode is turned on by default. To compile without debugging information call configure with --disable-debug. --enable-maintainer-mode : Call this if you want to modify the sources or documentation. This mode requires the following tools: doxygen, latex, pdflatex.