%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: hMixerConst % % Includes into H a mixer/sideband filtering, with a constant % sideband ratio. % The sideband ratio is treated as follows: % Response of image band = RATIO % Response of primary bad = 1 - RATIO % % FORMAT: [H,f_y,za_y,f_sensor] = hMixerConst(H,f_sensor,za_sensor, % lo,fprimary,ratio,o_y ) % % RETURN: H H matrix after antenna % f_y new frequency vector % za_y new zenith angle vector % f_sensor new frequency grid % IN: H H matrix before the mixer % f_sensor input frequency grid % za_sensor zenith angles % lo LO frequency % fprimary a frequency inside the primary band (!=LO) % ratio relative sideband response % o_y linear (=1) or cubic (=3) treatment of spectra %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % HISTORY: 00.08.25 Created by Patrick Eriksson function [H,f_y,za_y,f_sensor] = ... hMixerConst(H,f_sensor,za_sensor,lo,fprimary,ratio,o_y) %=== Get H nf = length(f_sensor); if fprimary > lo [Hmix,f_sensor] = h_mixer(f_sensor,za_sensor,lo,fprimary,... [f_sensor(1) lo lo+0.1 f_sensor(nf)],[ratio ratio 1-ratio 1-ratio],1,o_y); else [Hmix,f_sensor] = h_mixer(f_sensor,za_sensor,lo,fprimary,... [f_sensor(1) lo-0.1 lo f_sensor(nf)],[1-ratio 1-ratio ratio ratio],1,o_y); end %=== Include Hmix in H H = h_x_h(Hmix,H); %=== Create new F_Y and ZA_Y [f_y,za_y] = h_fix_ys(f_sensor,za_sensor);