%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % NAME: invplanck % % Calculates brigthness temperatures by "inverting" the % Planck function. % % The frequency and intensity vectors/matrices must have the % same size. % % FORMAT: tb = invplanck(v,i) % RETURN: tb brightness temperatures [K] % IN: v frequencies [Hz] % i intensities [W/m^2Hz] %===================================================== % HISTORY: 16.11.00 Created by Patrick Eriksson. function tb = invplanck(v,i) global SPEED_OF_LIGHT BOLTZMAN_CONST PLANCK_CONST tb = PLANCK_CONST * v / BOLTZMAN_CONST ./ ... log( 2* PLANCK_CONST * v.^3 / SPEED_OF_LIGHT^2 ./ i + 1 );