Main { # ########## EXAMPLE CLOUD TAG CONTROL FILE ######### #---------------------------------------------------- # define the arts cloud and additional tags of arts tgsDefine{ [ "H2O-MPM93", "O2-MPM93", "N2-SelfContStandardType", "liquidcloud-MPM93", "icecloud-MPM93" ] } # #---------------------------------------------------- # initialize the continua tag structures cont_descriptionInit{} # #---------------------------------------------------- # # # ----- H2O full models (line+continuum) ------------ # # MPM93 H2O absorption model (lines + continuum) cont_descriptionAppend{ tagname = "H2O-MPM93" model = "MPM93" userparameters = [ ] } # # ----- N2 continuum -------------------------------- # cont_descriptionAppend{ tagname = "N2-SelfContStandardType" model = "Rosenkranz" userparameters = [ ] } # # ----- O2 full models (line+continuum) ------------- # # MPM93 O2 absorption model (lines + continuum) cont_descriptionAppend{ tagname = "O2-MPM93" model = "MPM93Continuum" userparameters = [ ] } # # ----- liquid water particle ----------------------- # # MPM93 model for liquid water particle absorption: cont_descriptionAppend{ tagname = "liquidcloud-MPM93" model = "MPM93" userparameters = [ ] } # ----- ice water particle -------------------------- # MPM93 model for ice water particle absorption: cont_descriptionAppend{ tagname = "icecloud-MPM93" model = "MPM93" userparameters = [ ] } # #---------------------------------------------------- # # Read the pressure, temperature, and altitude # profiles and create the workspace variable `raw_ptz'. # ATTENTION! THE PATH AND FILE NAMES ARE USER SPECIFIC! MatrixReadAscii (raw_ptz) {"@ac_arts_data@/atmosphere/fascod/"} # # ATTENTION! THE PATH AND FILE NAMES ARE USER SPECIFIC! raw_vmrsReadFromFiles {seltags = ["liquidcloud-MPM93", "icecloud-MPM93"] filenames = ["@ac_arts_data@/atmosphere/particles/midlatitude-summer.cumulonimbus.MPM93droplet.aa", "@ac_arts_data@/atmosphere/particles/midlatitude-summer.cirrus.MPM93ice.aa"] basename = "@ac_arts_data@/atmosphere/fascod/midlatitude-summer" } # # Create the pressure grid `p_abs' (just an example) VectorNLogSpace(p_abs){ start = 100000.000 stop = 1000.000 n = 10 } # Now interpolate all the raw atmospheric input onto the pressure # grid and create the atmospheric variables `t_abs',`z_abs',`vmrs' AtmFromRaw{} # # set the H2O VMR in clouds to saturation level # (must be called after AtmFromRaw) WaterVaporSaturationInClouds{} # #---------------------------------------------------- # # Set the physical H2O profile from the H2O profile in vmrs: h2o_absSet{} # # Set the physical N2 profile from the N2 profile in vmrs: n2_absSet{} # #---------------------------------------------------- # # Read spectral line data from HITRAN96 catalogue for # the frequency range from 1 to 2 GHz. # This in not essential for the continuum tags but # bust be given as input for absCalc below. # ATTENTION! THE PATH AND FILE NAMES ARE USER SPECIFIC! # lines_per_tgReadFromCatalogues{ filenames = [ "@ac_arts_data@/spectroscopy/hitran96/hitran96_lowfreq.par" ] formats = [ "HITRAN96" ] fmin = [ 1.0e9 ] fmax = [ 2.0e9 ] } # # Create an example frequency grid `f_mono' VectorNLinSpace(f_mono){ start = 100.0e9 stop = 200.0e9 n = 100 } # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #---------------------------------------------------- # # Set the lineshape function for each continuum tag lineshape_per_tgDefine{ shape = [ "no_shape", "no_shape", "no_shape", "no_shape", "no_shape"] normalizationfactor = [ "no_norm", "no_norm", "no_norm", "no_norm", "no_norm"] cutoff = [ -1, -1, -1, -1, -1] } # #---------------------------------------------------- # # calculate the absorption coefficients, unit=1/meter absCalc{} # #---------------------------------------------------- # # These we definitely want to write to files: # 1. absorption coefficient per continuum tag ArrayOfMatrixWriteAscii (abs_per_tg) {""} # 2. temperature profile VectorWriteAscii (t_abs) {""} # 3. altitude grid VectorWriteAscii (z_abs) {""} # 4. pressure grid VectorWriteAscii(p_abs) {""} # 5. frequency grid VectorWriteAscii (f_mono) {""} # 6. cont_descriptionAppend continuum tagnames ArrayOfStringWriteAscii (cont_description_names) {""} # 7. cont_descriptionAppend model selections ArrayOfStringWriteAscii (cont_description_models) {""} # 8. cont_descriptionAppend user given input parameters ArrayOfVectorWriteAscii (cont_description_parameters) {""} ##################################################### }